fifteen men on a dead man's chest. yo ho ho, and a *bottle* of rum. drink and the devil had done for the rest. yo ho ho, and a *bottle* of rum. ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! not *quite* according to plan. you got what you went in for, then? captain, i think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more. *shiny*. what with the isla de muerta going all pear shaped, reclaimed by the sea, and the treasure with it. all in all, it's seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating. aye, shiny. know that don't do no good. and whatever this key unlocks, *inside* there's something valuable. so, we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks! so - we're going after this key! cap'n? settin' sail without knowing his own headin'? somethin's got jack vexed. mark my words, what bodes ill for jack sparrow bodes ill for us all. lift the skin up! do we have a heading? which port? jack's hat! bring 'er about! back to your stations! the lot o' ya! jack? for the love of mother and child, jack, what's coming after us? aye, the pelegostos made jack their chief. but he only remains chief as long as he *acts* like a chief. worse. as it turns out. see, the pelegostos believe that jack is a *god* in human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison. ?argh! they'll roast him and eat him. these cages we're in. weren't built 'til *after* we got here. the feast is about to begin. jack's life will end. when the drums stop. put your legs through, start to climb! agh! come on, men! lift it like a lady's skirt! this way, lads! excellent work! work's half done! ?make. ?making ?ready ?to?sail. ?cast-off ###, boy. *cast off those lines!* let's put some distance between us and this island, and head out to open sea. uh, that seems a bit contradictory, captain. cap'n. by need, d'you mean a. trifling need, ?uh. ?a. fleeting, as in say in a passing fancy? well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of davy jones. a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that suction your face clean off. and drag an entire ship past the crushing darkness. the kraken! they say the stench of its breath is like - ooh! imagine: the last thing you know on god's green earth is the roar of the kraken, and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses. if you believe such things. now that's the very question jack wants answered. bad enough even to go visit. *her*. aye. i'll watch your back. mind the boat. no! you've no idea how long it took us to catch that. what *is* inside? the sea? no-no-no-no, i heard it was the *sea* he fell in love with. uhhh! the black spot! must've run afoul of the reef. aye. and how do you intend to harvest these ninety-nine souls in three days? ah. tortuga! and what makes you think you're worthy to crew the black pearl? you'll do. make your mark. next! perfect! next! it's the crow's nest for you. next! sooner than you think. sign the roster. including those four? that gives us - four! and what's *your* story? commodore? lord. you didn't try to sail through it? aye! cap'n. finally! cast off those lines, weigh anchor, and prow that canvas! beckett! will was working for beckett, and never said a word. beckett wants the compass. only one reason for that. if the company controls the chest, they controls the sea. and bad. bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. i think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. brace the foreyard! where's the commodore? my prayers be with him. best not wallow in our grief. the bright side is: you're back. and made it off free and clear. lord almighty.?us. hard to starboard! aye, and we've got her! against the wind the dutchman beats us. that's how she takes her prey. but *with* the wind. ah! there's only half a dozen kegs of powder! aye! the rum, too! heave! heave like you're being paid for it! no. we just made it angry. we're not out of this yet. captain! orders! jack! the pearl! abandon ship. abandon ship or abandon hope. prepare to cast off! there's no time to lose! come on, will, step to! aye. and already the world seems a bit less bright. he fooled us all right to the end. but i guess that honest streak finally won out. to jack sparrow! aye.