sorry, mate. mind if we make a little side trip? i didn't think so. complications arose, ensued, were overcome. mm-hmm! shiny? is that how you're all feeling, then? perhaps dear old jack is not serving your best interests as captain? what did the bird say? ohhh! it does me. no! much more better. it is a *drawing* of a key. gentlemen, what do keys do? no! if we don't have the key, we can't open whatever it is we don't have that it unlocks. so what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it? you're not making any sense at all. any more questions? hah! a heading. set sail in a. mmm. a general. in *that* way - direction. come on, snap to and make sail, you know how this works. come on, ?oy. ?quick, ?oy. ?quick, hey! why is the rum always gone? oh! *that's* why. as you were, gents. ah! bootstrap. bill turner. is this a dream? i thought not. if it were, there'd be rum. i had some help retrieving the pearl, by the way. your son. and to what do i owe the pleasure of your carbuncle? who? ah. so it's you, then. he shanghaied you into service, eh? it's funny what a man will do to forestall his final judgment - technic - yes, but the flying dutchman already *has* a captain, so there's re - any idea when jones might release said terrible beastie? on deck all hands! make fast the bunt gasket! on deck! scurry! ?scurry-on. ?marty, i want movement! *i want movement!* all on deck! run! and keep running! run as if the devil himself and itself is upon us! ah! ooh! run! land. oh! euh! didn't say port. i said land. any land. agh! no no! leave it! run! shhh! nothing. ?: wa-say kohn. kay-lay lam. lam piki-piki. lam eensy weensy. lam say-say. eunuchy. snip-snip. say-say lam shoop-shoop sha smalay-lama shoo-koo. savvy? ball licky-licky. save me! thank you. ?no. ?oup! no no! ?oy!. ?wait! no no! more wood! big fire! *big* fire! i am chief! want big fire! come on! ?oy!. ?boy! maboogie snickel-snickel. tout de suite! come on! more wood! oh bugger. little seasoning. eh? well done. well, go on! go get them! hay ala! no! no no! oy! no no! not good. bugger. hey! good doggie! ?doggie. *alas*, my children! this is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost - captain jack. sparrow. yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows as much as possible. i have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, master gibbs, now where is that monkey? i want to shoot *something*. ah. have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on 'er? maybe just lock her up somewhere. there comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes. mister gibbs! we have a need to travel upriver. no, a. resolute and unyielding need. william. i shall trade you the compass, if you will help me. to find *this*. no. *you* want you to find this. because the finding this finds you incapacitorially finding and. or locating and your discovering the detecting of a way to save your ?dolly. ?dotty belle ol'. what's-her-face. savvy? how much do you know about davy jones? yeah, it's gonna save elizabeth. no worries, mates. tia dalma and i go way back. thick as thieves. nigh inseparable we are. were. have been. before. it's me front i'm worried about. mind the boat. tia dalma! there'll be no knowing here. we've come for help and we're not leaving without it. i thought *i* knew you. come. i brought payment. look! an undead monkey! top that! we're looking for this. and what it goes to. maybe. why? a *woman*. i did not. i didn't know where the key was. but now we do. so all that's left is to climb aboard the flying dutchman, grab the key, you go back to port royal and save your bonnie lass, hey! my eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know. dirt. this is a jar of dirt. is the. jar of dirt going to help? no. neither do you. do *not* underestimate her. so what's your plan, then? and if there are crewmen? i like it. simple, easy to remember. hey! if you *do* happen to get captured, just say jack sparrow sent you to settle his debt! might save your life! douse the lamps. oh. technically, i was only captain for two years, then i was viciously mutinied upon. you have my payment. one soul to serve on your ship is already over there. aha! so we've established my proposal is sound in principle, now we're just haggling over price. just how many souls do you think my soul is worth? you're a diamond, mate. send me back the boy, i'll get started right off. have you not met will turner? he's noble, heroic, *terrific* soprano. worth at least four. maybe three and a half. and did i happen to mention. he's in love. with a girl. due to be married. betrothed. dividing him from her and her from him. would only be half as cruel as actually allowing them be joined in holy matrimony. aye? yep! i'm good with it. should we seal it in blood? i mean. mm-mm - ink? uh! oh, mr. gibbs. uh, i feel sullied and unusual. fortunately, he was mum as the condition in which these souls need be. tortuga. i know what i want. how we going? you're hired. time to go? thanks, mate. carry on. come to join me crew, lad? welcome aboard. i'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea. elizabeth. hide the rum. you know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. it should be a dress or nothing. i happen to have no dress in my cabin. darling, i am truly unhappy to have to tell you this but. through an unfortunate and *entirely* unforeseeable series of circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me, poor william has been press-ganged into davy jones' crew. you look bloody awful. what are you doing here? you *smell* funny. are you certain? is that what you really want most? because i would think, you'd want to find a way to *save* will the most. well, there is a chest. a chest of unknown size and origin. and whoever possesses that chest possesses the leverage to command jones to do whatever it is he or she wants, including. saving brave william from his grim fate. with this. my compass. is unique. true enough. this compass does not point north. it points to the thing you want most in this world. every word, love. and what you want most in this world is to find the chest of davy jones, is it not? by finding the chest of davy jones. mister gibbs! we have our heading. miss swann. agh. agh. of course. he wants the chest. a truly discomforting notion, love. might i inquire how as to how you came by these? friendly? will strikes a deal for these and upholds it with honor. yet you're the one standing here with the prize. full pardon, commission as a privateer on behalf of england and the east india trading company. as if i could be bought for such a low price. no. persuade me. as i said. persuade me. my tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are troubled. you know. lizzy. i *am*. captain of a ship. and *being* captain of a ship, i could in fact perform a. marriage. right here. right on this deck. right. *now*! why not? we *are* very much alike, you and i. i and you. us. trifles. you *will* come over to my side, i know it. one word love: curiosity. you long for freedom. you long to do what you want to do because you want it. to act on selfish impulse. you want to see what it's like. one day, you won't be able to resist. uh my compass works fine. i *love* those moments. i like to wave at them as they pass by. all evidence to the contrary. do tell, dearie. i *do* want to know what it tastes like. i want my jar of dirt. guard the boat, mind the tide. don't touch my dirt. yes it *does*. you're sitting on it! move. i do that quite a lot. yet people are always surprised. how did you get here? not so easy, is it? you do? what? oh! well. you're welcome, then. pretty much. time and tide, love. oy! what're you doing? can't let you do that, william. 'cause if jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh? now. if you please: the key. i knew you'd warm up to me eventually. ah. the dark side of ambition. let us examine that claim for a moment, former commodore, shall we? who was it, who at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars, saw fit to *free* said pirate, and take your dearly beloved all to hisself, hey? so who's fault is it, *really*, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates? still rooting for you, mate! wup! oh. woah! oh, shut it. jar of dirt! leave him lie! unless you plan on using him to hit something with. uh, i say we respect his final wish. he fell behind. i'll handle this, mate. hey! fishface! lose something? hey? oup! got it! come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? look what i got. i got a jar of dirt! i got a jar of dirt! and guess what's inside it? hard to starboard. why fight when you can negotiate? all one needs. is the proper leverage. where is it? where is the thump-thump? abandon ship. into the longboat. she's only a ship, mate. we're not free yet, love. pirate. bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger! come on. come on. not so bad. oh! hello, beastie.