governor weatherby swann, it's been too long. his lord now. actually. in fact, i *do*. mister mercer! the warrant for the arrest of one william turner. oh, is it? that's annoying. my mistake. arrest her. ah-ha! here's the one for william turner. and i have another one for a mister james norrington. is he present? i don't believe that's the answer to the question i asked. for which the punishment, regrettably, is *also* death. perhaps you remember a certain pirate named jack sparrow. captain jack sparrow. yes, i thought you might. those won't be necessary. the east india trading company has need of your services. we wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend: captain sparrow. we've had dealings in the past. and we've each left our mark. on the other. by your efforts jack sparrow was set free. i would like you to go to him, and recover a certain property in his possession. *bargain*! letters of marque. you will offer what amounts to a full pardon. jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of england. freedom. jack sparrow is a dying breed. the world is shrinking, the blank pages of the map filled in. jack must find his place in the new world or perish. not unlike you, mister turner. you and your fiance face the hangman's noose. the black pearl? a ship? hardly. the item in question's considerably smaller and far more valuable. something sparrow keeps on his person at all times. a compass. ah, you know it. bring back that compass, or there's no deal. no doubt you've discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm, as your father believes. i'm afraid that *currency* is the currency of the realm. i'm listening. i'm listening *intently*. yes, and they're not valid until they bear my signature and my seal. do explain. ah, i see. *you* think the compass leads only to the isla de muerta, and so you hope to *save* me from an evil fate. but you mustn't worry. i care not for cursed aztec gold. my desires are not so provincial. there's more than one chest of value in these waters. so perhaps you may wish to enhance your offer. so i did. a marriage interrupted. or fate intervenes. you make great efforts to ensure jack sparrow's freedom. oh really. to ensure mister turner's freedom, then? i'll still want that compass. consider that in your calculations. there's something to knowing the exact shape of the world and one's place in it, don't you agree? i had you brought here because i thought you'd be interested in the whereabouts of your daughter. including the previous owner of this sword. i believe. our ships are in pursuit. and justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal. i personally find it distasteful to even contemplate the horror facing all those on board. your authority as governor, your influence in london, and your loyalty to the east india trading company. shall i remove these shackles? so you see, mercer, every man has a price he will willingly accept. even for what he hopes never to sell. is there any news on the chest? if you intend to claim these, then you must have something to trade. d'you have the compass?