my story. it's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. i chased a man across the seven seas. the pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life. no, not anymore, weren't you *listening*? i nearly had you all, off tripoli. i would have, if not for the. hurricane. so do i make your crew, or not? you haven't said where you're going. somewhere *nice*! so am i *worthy* to serve under captain jack sparrow? or should i just kill you now? sorry. old habits and all that. come on, men! who wants some? form an orderly line, i'll have you all one by one. come on, who's first? oh, please. the captain of the flying dutchman. you *hired* me. i can't help it if your standards are lax. oh, dear. you don't actually believe him, do you? "unique" here having the meaning of broken. it's a curious thing. there was a time when i would've given anything for you to look like that while thinking about me. oh, i think you do. so you never wondered how your *latest* fianc ended up on the flying dutchman in the first place? you actually *were* telling the truth. i can't let you do that, either. so sorry. lord beckett desires the contents of that chest. i deliver it, and get my life back. oh, i prefer to see it as the promise of redemption. by your leave, mister turner. do excuse me while i kill the man who ruined my life. enough! unfortunately, mister turner. he's *right*! not with the chest. into the boat. don't wait for me. here you go! i took the liberty of filling in my name. better. the heart of davy jones.