and i say. it was me bein' *clever*. ain't that right, poochie? it ain't stealin'. it's *salvagin'*! and since when did you care? you know you can't read. pretendin' to read the bible's a *lie*! *that's* a mark against ya! look! there it is! must've seen a catfish. heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh. come on! ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. ha-ha-ha-ha. it's ours for the taking! there's the truth of *it*! ### amen to that. ?pull-loose. ?unloose the mooring lines! the mooring lines! ?unloose the mooring lines! well, how'd you get it back last time? we done it for you! knowin' you'd be comin' back for us. mind the boat. gold! jewels? unclaimed properties of a valuable nature? sums! he couldn't li'erally put his heart in a chest! could he? what contains the still-beating heart o' davy jones. welcome to the crew, former commodore! heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh. you're pullin' too fast. i'm savin' me strength for when it comes. and i don't think it's krack-en, anyways. i always heard it said kray-kin. aye. well we ain't original scandinavians, are we? kray-ken! "mind the tide." ?don't ?mind ?if i shine your shoes, sir? how'd this go all screwy? sad. that chest must be worth more 'n a shiny penny. if we was any kind of *decent*, we'd remove temptation from their path. 'ello, poppet. sword! come on, turner! aye! you're pulling too hard! i think we've held fire long enough. 's a lot o' open wa'er. he was a gentleman of fortune, he was. aye.