well i say it was divine providence what escaped us from jail. ?: well how'dya know it ?weren't. ?wasn't divine providence what inspired you to *be* clever? anyways, i ain't stealin' no ship. since we're not immortal no more. we gotta take care of our immortal souls. it's the bible. you get credit for trying. what's got into *'im*? stupid mongrel! tide's comin', that should help. well, salvagin' is saving, in a manner of speaking. suppose we be'er. save it as soon as we can. what with our souls in such a vulnerable state, and all. ?thief. ?thing! little hairy ?thief. ?thing! give it back! don't bite it! he's got me eye! he won't give it back! nothing. bad, i hope. dichotomy of good and evil. literally, or figuratively? your chariot awaits you, sire! ha, ha-ha-ha, ha-ha! bon voyage! ha-ha-ha! unh-unh. unh-unh. unh-unh. you're pulling too slow. we don't want the kraken to catch us. what, with a long a? no-no-no-no-no-no-no. krock-en's how it's pronounced in the original scandinavian, and krack-en's closer to that. it's a mythological creature, i can calls it what i wants. i ?can. ?may join the circus! well, each wants the chest for hisself, don't 'e? mister norrington, i think he's tryna regain a bit of honor. old jack's lookin' to trade it, save his own skin. and turner there - i figure 'e's tryna. settle some unresolved business 'twixt him and his twice-cursed pirate father. oh! tsk-tsk-tsk. terrible temptation. sword! you're not pulling hard enough! that's a lot o' wa'er. never another like captain jack. aye.