i don't know. you look beautiful. no! lord beckett! in the category of questions *not* answered. more acquaintance than friend. how do you know him? what mark did he leave on you? recover. at the point of a sword? somehow i doubt jack will consider employment the same as being free. so you get both jack *and* the black pearl. the property you want that he possesses. does it matter? i'm to find jack and convince him to return to port royal. in exchange the charges against us will be dropped. is that lack of faith in jack, or in me? tortuga. i'll start there, and i won't stop searching 'til i find him. and then i intend to return here, to marry you. eagerly, if you'll still have me. keep a weather eye on the horizon. what's wrong? the beach is right there. what? jack! jack sparrow! marty! cotton! anybody? ah! a familiar face! i'm not gonna eat you. gibbs. euh! unh! ya! come on! let's go! euh! ya! come on! who wants it? unh! i could do this all day! euh! euh! hah! jack? jack sparrow! i can honestly say i'm glad to see you! jack! it's me! will turner! tell 'em to let me down. jack! the compass! that's all i need, elizabeth is in danger. we were arrested for trying to help *you*. she faces the gallows! jack, what did you tell them? no! what about elizabeth? *jack!* why would he do this to us? if jack is their chief. so he had no choice. he's a captive then as much as the rest of us. where's the rest of the crew? well, we can't just sit here and wait then, can we? come on men! it'll take all ?of-us. ?the-rest to crew the black pearl! hurry! stop! cut it loose! find a rock! roll the cage! lift the cage! hurry! what about jack? i won't leave without him. time to go. jack. elizabeth is in danger. she *is* locked up, in a prison, bound to hang for helping *you*! i need that compass of yours, jack. i must trade it for her freedom. what we need to do is make sail for port royal with all haste. you want me to find this? this. is going to save elizabeth? not much. why is jack afraid of the open ocean? and the key will spare him that? her? you know me? what vexes all men? what. exactly did he put into the chest? you knew this. it seems. we have a need to find the flying dutchman. that's the flying dutchman? she doesn't look like much. i row over, search the ship until i find your bloody key. i cut down anyone in my path. sailor! sailor! there's no use. you've run aground. hey! hey! get back! back! jack sparrow sent me to settle his debt. jack sparrow. he sent me to settle his debt. step aside! i don't need your help! so i'm to understand what *you* did was an act of compassion? i've sworn no oath. not until i find this. the key. what do you know of this? so the captain has the key. where *is* the key? where is the chest? i understand. it's a game of deception. your bet includes all the dice, not just your own. what are they wagering? so any crewman can be challenged? i challenge davy jones. my soul. an eternity of servitude. i want this. that's not part of the game, is it? you can still walk away. no! don't do this. four fives. eight fives. fool. why did you do that? it was never about winning, or losing. it's not a fate you had to choose for yourself, either. they'll know you helped me. i take this with a promise. i'll find a way to sever jones' hold on you. and not rest until this blade pierces his heart. i will not abandon you. i promise. just put as many leagues behind us as you can. as fast as you can. that dress. where did you get it? that's foolish. i imagine. some of your crew may have jumped ship there. or worse. i've doomed us all. it's the flying dutchman! with good reason! sea turtles, mate. a pair of them, strapped to my feet. but i do owe you thanks, jack. after you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with jones. i was reunited with my father. i'm gonna kill jones. i keep the promises i make, jack. i intend to free my father. i hope you're here to see it. guard the chest! by *your* leave, mister norrington. be my guest. right! what happened to the chest? brace up the foreyard! we're the faster? we rob her advantage. my father is *on* that ship. if we can outrun her, we can take her. we should turn and fight. no. it's not a reef! get away from the rail! the kraken. to arms! ?it'll ?attack the starboard. i've seen it before. ?break out the cannons and hold for my signal. easy, boys! steady! steady. hold. hold. *fire*! it'll be back. we have to get off the ship. pull the grates! get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold. whatever you do, don't miss. then load the rum! ?pull ?away! euh! come on!i'm over here! come on! shoot! elizabeth, shoot! we have to try. we can get away as it takes down the pearl. where's jack? doesn't matter now. the pearl's gone. along with its captain. if there was anything could be done to bring him back. elizabeth. aye.