quiet, missy! cursed pirates sail these waters. you want to call 'em down on us? she was singing about pirates. bad luck to sing about pirates, with us mired in this unnatural fog-- mark my words. 'aye, captain. bad luck to have a woman on board, too. even a mini'ture one. mary mother of god . lot of good it did them. everyone's thinking it! i'm just saying it! pirates! curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot mother's love, jack, you know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. it's bad luck! aye, that'll about do it. blast it, i'm already awake! make it_ast, then. now, what's the nature of this venture of yours? oh, there's a hard tale, jack. most of the decent pirates in town won't sail with you -- seem to think you're a jinx. say again? jack, it's a fool's errand: you've heard the tales they tell about the pearl. a fool's errand. and you've got that, have you? well, lookee there. i'll allow you may be onto something, jack. there's bound to be sailors on this rock crazy as you. i'll find some men. kid's a bit of a stick, isn't he? feast your eyes, cap'n. all of 'em good sea-faring men, faithful hands before the mast, every one worth his salt -- cotton here is mute, sir. poor devil had his tongue cut out -- -- so he went and trained the parrot to do the talking for him, nobody knows how. nobody knows the parrot's name, neither, so we just call it 'cotton's parrot.' mostly, that seem to mean 'yes.' that fool will have us lose the canvas, and the masts besides! werd best drop canvas, sirl what's in your head to put you in such a fine mood? left handed-ropes are coiled against the sun, or it's bad luck! anty-clockwise. now, lad, just because it don't point north don't mean it don't work. that compass gives bearings to the isla de muerta, wherever it may lie. i'll tell lee. now, jack sparrow has an honest streak in him, and that's where the whole problem starts. this was when he was captain of the black pearl - ah -- he's learned, then. plays things more close to the vest. see, jack was a cartographer, back in old england. somehow i he came by the money to commission the pearl. hired himself a crew, promised each man an equal share. so, they're forty days out, and the first mate says, everything's an equal share, that should mean the location of the island, too. so jack gave up the bearings. that night, there was mutiny. jack gave hisself up for the sake of his loyal crewmen. he was marooned on an island, left there to die. how did you get off the island? two women on board? a man don't have to be superstitious to know that's trouble. shift your heading, steer clear of that island. fifteen degrees starboard. not a chance. make for the reef. drop the forward anchor! there -- she's raised the jolly roger, it's a signal. if we resist, it won't just be death. there'll be torture as well. will -- it'll go worse for us -- for elizabeth, especially -- if we fight. amen to that.