the rocks, sir! it's a miracle she missed them! you're serious about this. you understand this ship cannot be crewed by only two men. you'll never make it out of the bay. sir, i'll not see any of my men killed or wounded in this foolish enterprise. agreed. you have the momentary advantage, sir. but i will see you smile from the yard arm sir. do you have any idea, boy, what you're doing? the wind is quarter from astern . by the time we're underway, we'll never catch them. hands! come about! jackets off the cannons! we are to fire on our own ship? he's got to be the best pirate i've ever seen. all the men in place, sir. ready to fire. they're on our side! take heart, men! sir! jack and his crew have escaped! there was no damage to the cell . they must have been set free. sir! shall i break out the cannons?