it's remarkable how often those two traits coincide. what do you say to three shillings, and we forget the name? sorry, i didn't know. some sort of to-do up at the fort, eh? you two weren't invited? this must be some important boat. ship. that's a fine goal, i'm sure . but it seems to me a ship like that -- -- makes this one here just a wee superfluous. that so? i've heard of one, supposed to be fast, nigh uncatchable . the black pearl? i'm sorry. it's just such a pretty boat. ship. smith. none? very well. you've rumbled me. i confess: i intend to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in tortuga, and go out on the account, do a little honest pirating. unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth if he told it to you. aren't you going to save her? sailors. fine. don't lose these. move. clearly, you've never been to singapore. where did you get this? captain jack sparrow. if you please. ah, but you have heard of me. but it seems to be enough to condemn him. finally. commodore norrington . my pistol and belt, please. commodore! elizabeth -- it is elizabeth? miss swann, if you'll be so kind? now, if you'll be very kind? i saved your life; now you've saved mine. we're square. gentleman. . m' lady. . you will always remember this as the day you almost caught captain jack sparrow. you look familiar . have i ever threatened you before? ah. then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. so if you'll excuse me . do you think this is wise, boy? crossing blades with a pirate? only a little. you know what you're doing, i'll give you that . excellent form . but how's your footwork? if i step here - very good! and if i step again, you step again. . . ta! that's a good trick. except, once again, you are between me and the way out. and now you have no weapon. who makes all these? you need to find yourself a girl. or maybe the reason you practice three hours a day is you've found one -- but can't get her? pirate. move away. move! you're lucky, boy -- this shot's not meant for you. you can keep doing that forever, that dog's never going to move. i know those guns! it's the black pearl. there are a lot of stories about the black pearl. it's all right, doggie . come here, what's the matter, boy? worry about your own fortunes. the lowest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers . and mutineers. you are cursed. the stories are true. somewhat. surely you've heard the stories? the black pearl sails from the dreaded isla de mureta. an island that cannot be found -- except by those who already know where it is. why ask me? and you want to turn pirate yourself? so it is that you found a girl. well, if you're intending to brave all and hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone. i see no profit in it for me. how? the key's run off. your name is turner. will turner. i'll tell you what, mr. turner. i've changed my mind. you spring me from this cell, and on pain of death, i'll you to the black pearl. do we have an accord? agreed! not without my effects. my business, will. as for your business -one question, or there's no use going. this girl -- what does she mean to you? how far are you willing to go to save her? good. ah, now there's a lovely sight! i knew the harbormaster wouldn't report her. honest men are slaves to their conscience, and there's no predicting 'em. but you can always trust a dishonest man to stay that way. come aboard. no worries there. she's far more likely to rot out from under us. besides, we are about to better our prospects considerably. commandeer. we're going to commandeer a ship. nautical term. so's breaking a man out of jail. face it, will: you may say you'll never be a pirate, but you're off to a rip-roaring start. my advice -- smile and enjoy it. remarkable how often those two traits coincide. everybody stay calm. we're taking over the ship! dead serious. we'll see about that. fine by me. we brought you a nice little boat, so you can all get back to shore, safe and sound. as likely as not. will, short up the anchor, we've got ourselves a ship! a little help? lookee there, mate! we're underway! can you swim? can. you. swim? good. thank you, commodore, for getting our ship ready to make way! we'd've had a hard time of it by ourselves! for a man whose made an industry of avoiding boats, you're a quick study. is that so? i knew him. probably one of the few who knew him as william turner. most everyone just called him bill, or 'bootstrap' bill. good man. good pirate. and clever -"- i never met anyone with as clever a mind and hands as him. when you were puzzling out that cell door, it was like seeing his twin. i swear, you look just like him. figured you wouldn't want to hear it. you think your father is the only man who ever lived the glasgow life, telling folk one thing, and then going off to do another? there's quite a few who come here, hoping to amass enough swag to ease the burdens of respectable sure -- because he could always go pirating. put it away, will. it's not worth getting beat again. then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair, is it? as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. must, should, do, don't, shall, shall not -- those are just suggestions. there are only two absolute rules. what a man can do. and what a man can i t do. for instance: you can accept that your father was a pirate and still a good man. or you can't. now me, i can sail this ship to tortuga, by myself. . . but i can't just let you drown. oh -- did i forget to mention that? we need a crew. we can manage the ship between islands, but the open sea, that's another matter - don't worry. i've already got my quartermaster -- there! anamaria! have you seen gibbs? i need to put together - borrowed. borrowed your boat. without permission. safe! at port royal. with the royal navy. you'll get it back. or one better. well, fortunately, i know how to counter it. the man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, and the man who was sleeping it drinks it while listening to a proposition. just the one. first -- have you found me a crew? now where, i wonder, would they have gotten that idea? i'm going after the black pearl. ilm going after the black pearl. i know where its going to be, and i'm going to take it. aye, and that's why i know where it's going to be, and that's why i know what barbossa is up to. all i need is a crew. not if the fool has something barbossa wants. something he needs. back there, guarding the door is the son of old bootstrap bill turner. that he is. mr. cotton. do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true, in the face danger, and almost certain death? that goes for the rest of you! danger and near certain death. for we are to sail for the isla de muerta, to rescue the daughter of governor swann. an equal share of the reward shall be - these are the only ones worth having. and we're going to need them- she can hold a bit longer. we're catching up! bear three points starboard. six points port! i didn't! my body's still there, rotting away, and i am but a ghost! ah, that's a dark and unpleasant tale, best left untold. the pistol. when a pirate is marooned, will, he's given a pistol with a single shot. no good for hunting, or surviving, really. but after three weeks of starvation and thirst -- the option of that pistol begins to look good. but i survived. and i still have that single shot. it's meant for one man. my mutinous first mate - they'll be anchored on the lee side. haul your wind, and keep to the weather of the island - depends. on whether the stories are all true. if they are, that's a waterfall that spills over at high tide, with a short drop to an underground lagoon. if not - -- well, too late. chalk one up for the stories. me! no, i'm -- rescuing you. this way! the trick isn't getting here, it's getting away. no. this won't work. i'll stay behind, and fight them. you go on. i'll lead them away. go to the opposite end of the island, and signal the ship. i'll keep 'em busy. i'm sure. when you've led the kind of life i have, there are debts that must be paid. maybe i can balance the scales a little. i invoke the right of parlay, according to the code of the brethren, set down by the pirates morgan and bartholomew. the woman's blood didn't work, did it? i know who's blood you need, to end the curse. no you won't. simple. i have something you want more than anything. the way to free you from the curse of the treasure. you have something i want -- more than anything. you give me the pearl. then i tell you who you need. that's right. i'm a man of my word. you see, i've got this honest streak in me -- in its own way, a sort of curse. oh, and there's the fact that you have no choice. you left me on a desert island -- what worse can you do? wait as long as you like. let's say i tell you the wrong person. what would you do? and if i tell you the truth, you become mortal, and you won't come near me because you know i'd kill you. see, that's where we're different. i trust you . to do what it takes to get what you want. what -- you don't have the medallion? i'll watch my back. don't hit my ship! i mean, kill the lying scoundrel - i'm a little conflicted, here. will -- don't do anything stupid! don't say anything stupid - it's pure evil to make a captain walk the plank of his own ship, twice in one lifetime. no good can come of it. someone needs to cut these bonds, then. the last time you did this, you left me a pistol, with one shot. a gentleman might give us two pistols, seeing as there are two of us, this time. you can go to your grave not knowing. that's the second time i've had to watch that man sail away with my ship. not all that big, is it? the trees are taller. not yet. ask me again in a few weeks. don't be thinking i'm not already working on it. it won't. it won't, and so we won't. last time, i was here a grand total of three days. last time, the rumrunners who used this island as a cache came by, and i bartered passage off. but from the looks of this, they've long been'out of business, and so that won't be happening again. we probably have your friend norrington to thank for that. welcome to the caribbean, love. you should look at our contretemps this way: we've got shade trees, thank the lord. we've got some food on the trees, thank the lord again. and we've got rum, praise the lord. we can stay alive a month, maybe more. keep a weather eye open for passing ships, and our chances are fair. you're right. here's luck to you, will turner. don't be thinking i'm happy about this, elizabeth. but i see no use in wailing and gnashing my teeth over that which i can do nothing about. try it. it goes down rough, but it goes down - - and the second swig goes down easier. what? what was that? something funny, miss swann? share. please, i know a lot of songs about pirates, but none i'd teach a child. let's hear it. now i must hear this song. an authentic pirate song. have at it. more to drink! well? i love this song! yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! we're beggars and blighters, when i get the black pearl back, i'm going to teach it to the whole crew, and we'll sing it all the time! not just the spanish main. the whole ocean. . the whole world. wherever we want to go, we go. that's what a ship is, you know. not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. that's what a ship need_ . but what a ship is -- what the black pearl really-is . is freedom. ah, well. the company is better than last time. and the scenery has definitely improved. we've got a few bottles left . and we've yet to tap the kegs. to the black pearl. what are you doing? you've burned our food, the shade -- the rum! why? you -- you burned up the island, for a one-time chance at being spotted? they'll be no living with her after this. we had time to get to know each other. norrington, think about it . the black pearl, its captain and crew. the last pirate threat in the caribbean. how can you pass that up? congratulations, sir. nor did you, i noticed. exactly. i have a plan. if it succeeds, then any battle will be decidedly brief . and one-sided. funny, i was thinking along those lines. how about you let me go in alone, and while you're setting up an ambush, i'll trick the pirates out to you. they left me stranded. twice. what have you got to lose? i knew you'd listen to reason! that chart i drew up'11 get you past the reefs. if you're steersman's good enough, that is. i'll slip in, talk them into to come out, and you'll be free to blow holy high heaven the whole lot of them. do you have any idea where you're going? don't talk. these caves magnify sound. just follow me. it's the right way. you don't want to be doing that. all right then. because, right about now, the h.m.s. dauntless is lying in wait in the harbor. - - and its guns and crew will cut you and your men to pieces the moment you step outside these caves. you've no hope of surviving norrington's attack . that is, if you're mortal. simple. don't kill the boy yet. wait for a more opportune moment. like after you've killed. every. last . one . of norrington's men. the situation has changed. aye. see, after you're done with the royal navy, you'll have a bit of a problem: the h.m.s. dauntless. there you'll be, with two lovely ships on your hands, and what to do? of course you'll decide you deserve the bigger one, and who's to argue? the dauntless a first-rate ship-of-line, and with it, you can rule the seas. i sail for you as part of your fleet, i give you fifteen percent of my plunder, and you get to introduce yourself at tea parties and brothels as 'commodore barbossa.' do we have an accord? now, you can take care of the dauntless, right? there's . another exit? oh, please -- do i really seem that clever? use it well. remarkable how often those two traits coincide. well, isn't that interesting. they're so pretty, i just couldn't resist stealing one. it's a curse, i guess. or you could surrender. the worst. on the other hand, maybe i'm a man who can't pass up a chance for revenge against the black-hearted bastard who stole my ship and left me to die in the middle of the ocean -- twice! -- and who knows how to get what he wants. now that's a great pirate. tough luck. i was rooting for you. anamaria, trim the mainsail! mr. gibbs, organize a cleaning detail - you and cotton. i want every inch of the pearl spic-and-span and ship-shape!