mr. gibbs. that will do. consider them marked. on your way. think again, miss swan. vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. i intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag, or wears a pirates brand, gets what he deserves: a short drop and a sudden stop. my apologies, governor. man overboard! fetch a hook! haul him out of there! he's still breathing. an explosion in the powder magazine. merchant vessels run heavily armed. of course not, governor. come about and strike the sails! unlash the boats! gunnery crew. jackets off the cannons! hope for the best. prepare for the worst. move the boy aft. we'll need the deck clear. did he speak? very good. may i have a moment? you look lovely. elizabeth. i apologize if i seem forward -- but i must speak my mind. this promotion confirms that i have accomplished the goals i set for myself in my career. but it also casts into sharp relief that which i have not achieved. the thing all men most require: a marriage to a fine woman. you have become a fine woman, elizabeth. elizabeth! . on your feet. i believe thanks are in order. had a brush-up with the east india trading company, did you . pirate? keep your guns on him, men. gillette, fetch some irons. well, well. jack sparrow, isn't it? i don't see your ship -- captain. extra powder, but no additional shot. it doesn't bear true. i half-expected it to be made of wood. taking stock: you've got a pistol with only one shot, a compass that doesn't point north . and no ship. you are without a doubt the worst pirate i have ever heard of. carefully, lieutenant. one good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness. indeed. on his heels! gillette, bring a squad down from the fort! excellent work, mister brown. you've aided in the capture of a dangerous fugitive. i believe you will always remember this as the day captain jack sparrow almost escaped. no. she hasn't. bleak. very bleak. cannon fire! governor! barricade yourself in my office! that's an order! they've flanked us! men! swords and pistols! we're aware of the situation. no. the pirates who invaded this fort left sparrow locked in his cell. ergo, he is not their ally, and therefore of no value. we will determine their most likely course, and launch a search mission that sails with the tide. mr. turner, this is not the time for rash actions. do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who loves elizabeth. now, go home. a moment. please. rash, turner, too rash. that is, without doubt, the worst pirate i have ever seen. search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges! sailors! back to the interceptor! raise the sails. we need only to come about, to put them in range of the long nines. better to see it at the bottom of the sea than in the hands of a pirate. so it would seem. so it would seem. elizabeth, i'm" relieved you're safe. clap him in irons. and behind his back this time. you're speaking up for him again? we are bound for port royal, not isla de muerta. your father is frantic with worry. our mission was to rescue you and return home. that is what we shall do. mr. turner's fate is regrettable. but so was his decision to engage in piracy. by remembering that i serve others, not only myself. i am to understand that you will accept my marriage proposal on the condition i rescue mr. turner? free mister sparrow, and prepare to come about. he'll give you our heading. elizabeth, i hereby withdraw my proposal. i know now where your heart truly lies. you may seclude yourself in my cabin. i'm afraid we do not have any ladies' clothing aboard. that would hardly be proper. murtogg, take our guest below, and find her some trousers, and a shirt. elizabeth -- below decks. i will not compromise your safety. lieutenant, escort elizabeth to my quarters, and make sure she stays there. i don't like the situation, mister sparrow. the island is riddled with caves. i will not put my men at a disadvantage. you would do that? nothing i wouldn't be please to be rid of. i'll be at the wheel myself. wait for my order -- what the blazes is that? men! take cover! steady, men! remember -- we're the navy! what is happening out there? and though i do say so with regret, the law is clear. the penalty for piracy is death by hanging. i don't think that will be necessary. a day's head start. that's all he gets.