up there! we know you're here, poppet. come out and we promise we won't hurt you. we will find you, poppet . you've got something of ours, and it calls to us! the gold calls to us! hello, poppet. what? i know the code. it would appear, so do you. she wants to be taken to the captain, and she'll go without a fuss. we must honor the code. she's invoked the right of parlay. with captain barbossa. you'll be dining with the captain, and he requests you wear this. he said you say that! he also said if that be the case, you'll be dining with the crew, and you'll be naked. fine. what did you expect? we're all gentlemen here, right and proper. she had the medallion! she's the right age. she said her name was turner! now? what's he doing? is he going to run her aground? and hers got old bill's courage. a curse on him, and you! that's proper, sir, according to the code. that ain't going to work. that's the gun deck above yea ah, william turner. stupid blighter. he threw in with us after we relieved jack sparrow of his captaincy, but turned out, it never sat well with him- particularly after we found cortes' treasure, and its peculiar condition. he thought we deserved to be cursed, for leaving ol' jack to the fate we did. that's why he sent off a piece of the treasure -- to you, as it were: so it would never be recovered, and so cursed we_ remain. that's a nice thought, to be sure, and i wager your da wishes he'd thought it hisself. but, no. see, what he'd done, _ didn't sit too well with captain barbossa . so he chained a cannon to his legs and dumped him over. yep, last i saw of bootstrap bill, was his face looking up, as he sank down to the crushing black oblivion of davy jones' locker. it was only after, we found out we needed his blood to solve the curse. that's what you call ironic. no reason to fret. it's just a prick of the finger and a few drops of blood. i guess there is a reason to fret. do you believe him? be quick, now. train the starboard guns on the beach, and set your aim. wait for my signal, we don't want to spook them.