elizabeth? is everything all right? are you decent? still abed at this hour? it's a beautiful day! i have a gift for you. is an occasion necessary for a father to dote upon his daughter with gifts? although. i did think you could wear it to the ceremony today. captain norrington's promotion ceremony. or, rather, commodore norrington. a fine gentleman, don't you think? he fancies you, you know. elizabeth? how's it coming? i'm told that dress is the very latest fashion in london. ah, mr. turner! it's good to see you again! impressive. . very impressive. commodore norrington will be pleased, i'm sure. do pass my compliments on to your master. elizabeth! you look stunning! elizabeth, this is hardly appropriate - well said! there's a boy who understands propriety. now, we must be going. dear, i do hope you demonstrate a bit more decorum in front of commodore norrington. after all, it is only elizabeth! are you all right? here, dear . you should wear this. has my daughter given you an answer yet? well, she had a taxing day. ghastly weather tonight. what was that? where do you propose we start? if you have any information that concerns my daughter, then share it! if anyone does, tell me! leave, mr. turner. that pirate tried to kill my daughter. we could never trust a word he said! commodore -- but -- dammit, man, it appears someone is stealing your ship! by your leave, i wish to speak on behalf of the boy. it is clear that these deeds were performed out of a sincere desire to do good, at great personal risk. it seems to me, that in the rare occasion where the right course is committing an act of piracy, then an act of piracy is the right course! so in my capacity as governor, i intend to grant a pardon to -- the black pearl!