somethin' went wrong, huh? like i just ran, or something. well, is someone coming for us? or are we all just gonna die of exposure or dehydration or sunstroke or maybe even something worse? hey, you don't have to worry about scaring me. yeah, but. do we even have enough food to get there? or will we have to resort to cannibalism? three suns? he'd probably get you right here, right under the jaw. and you'd never hear him coming. that's how good riddick is. what? okay, it was me. what'd i do now? no! it was just somebody else. from the crash. he was just. if you're afraid, i'll go. so i can talk to him now? talkin' to me? but why did they leave their ship? lookit. lookit! tell her to stay there. stay down. shazza, just stay down! what if. what if she's still out there. still alive. why do they do that? make that sound? maybe it's just their beads again. imam, are you still -- you mean. tonight? with all those things still out there? four fulls, one half. that mean we're halfway there? i hope? i didn't want you to leave me there. back at the ship. that's why i didn't say anything. what's he talkin' about? what're they doin' up there? what're they doing? what're we -- gonna lose everybody out here. three full bottles. but almost time to refill. what? what is it? why's he still out there? he's not coming back, is he? glow worms. more, more, we need more. you came for us. not sure where to go. i was just runnin' away when this whole thing started. where you goin'?