high angle: an old weather cock creaks in the wind. fry, johns, and the chrislams enter frame far below. sucking on their breathers, fry and the chrislams make it back to the ship. they find johns beating riddick like a chained dog. with religious fervor, the chrislams are repairing the moisture- recovery unit -- the machine allah led them to. he's walking the ghost town, finding dead gardens. upended chairs and furniture. broken skylights. behind his back. as the survivors run for the coring room. against a blue sunrise, the chrislams hold a prayer service. paris and audrey attend. riddick watches from afar. crossing the yard in wide strides: as shazza and audrey repair the sand-cat. fry and johns move outside. the others have gathered, all eyes gang-locked on. multiple shots: shazza cranking the sand-cat. hands snatching up lights, water, ropes. chrislams piling aboard the sand-cat.