slew of shots: fry and imam on the move, dragging the shield fast. audrey speed-crawling beneath. pilgrim #1 tripping along behind the shield. and riddick behind them all, face already tortured, pulling 200 pounds of stubborn-mule cargo -- yet somehow keeping pace. the torch flames, stretched by the wind, flank them in fire. first come the hatchlings, streaming right into their faces -- then veering away at the last second, repulsed by light. next come feral sounds overhead. they flail on. and now, finally. finally. rain montage: water rilling, running, flowing over rocks and ground. caught in a downpour, the survivors slog to a stop. one torch goes out -- and won't relight. there's just one light left now -- the one riddick wears on his back. by its glow, we watch him lift the shield, muscle it over to the crevice. protected by the meager light of two glow-worm bottles, the four remaining survivors head out.