please. which way to new mecca? we must know the direction in order to pray. one of the christian habits we didn't adopt -- perhaps unfortunately. we'll have to wait. all deserts have water, somewhere. god shall lead us there. we take this to be a good sign -- a path, a direction from god. you know who muhammad was? "some prophet guy." and a city man. but he had to travel to the desert -- where there was quiet -- to hear the words of god. chrislam teaches that once in every lifetime should there be a great hajj -- a great pilgrimage. to know god, better, yes, but to know yourself as well. we're all on the same hajj now. he asks what could have killed so many great things. some. communal graveyard, perhaps. like the elephants of earth. we are not alone here, yes? water. water there was here. "god is great," yes? did you hear. the child heard you before any of us could even. one is all? well, i feel we owe mr. riddick amends. at least give the man some oxygen. and for this, our gift of drink, we give thanks in the name of our prophet, muhammad, peace be upon him, and to our lord, jesus christ of nazareth, and to his father, allah the compassionate and the merciful. has anyone seen the young one? ali? ali. ali? quiet, please. everyone. perhaps the way they see. with sound, reflecting back. no, no, no, i do not believe -- everybody come, this way and we should be safe. hurry, please. hasan? is that. hasan? i had the impression. from the model. that the two planets were moving as one. that there would be. a lasting darkness. please. this solves nothing. please. and you're certain you can find the way back? even in the dark? please. have we been cut? can someone tell me if. we crossed our own tracks. well. we must keep her close, then. here, she'll be safe if we put her between -- she's the captain, we should listen to -- fine, fine, you've made your point. we can all be so scared as you. talking about the canyon, i suppose. how to get us through. what? i would rather we all stay-- where's mr. johns? you mean. the sled as a shield. blessing you like the others. it's painless. i see. well, even if you don't believe in god, it doesn't mean he won't be -- he will be with us. nonetheless. "so dark the clouds around my way i cannot see, but through the darkness i believe god leadeth me. i gladly place my hand in his when all is dim, and, closing my weary eyes, lean hard on him" suleiman! suleiman! rain. larva. captain. new mecca. it's more a place where souls are found, mr. riddick.