one chance and you blew it, riddick. never cease to disappoint me.
hey, who?
amazing. i'm johns.
big talk about a scouting party.
then we saw this.
big evil?
be my choice. already escaped once from the max-slam facility on --
only around humans.
little swamp-flu from the conga system. never shook it with all this cryo-sleep.
king tut's tomb.
a toast to whatever he just said.
for what? there is no water. you understand that, don't you?
like we needed another way to die.
what the hell are these?
first, because he can only live out there for so long -- he's gonna come back and take what we got. second, for the sheer thrill of the kill.
a very good sign. that's riddick's direction. you do not wanna be caught in the dark with this guy.
which means he went toward sunrise.
tell me it's not a mirage.
long time ago. whatever happened.
probably right.
you know, i woulda played road dog for these guys. you could've stayed back. pro'bly should've -- because, you know, if we don't find water.
so i noticed. never seen a "captain" quite so ready to leave her ship.
what'd owens mean? 'bout not touching the switch?
hey. you can tell me, carolyn.
you see anybody else here? just between you and me.
fuck. guess i'm more glad to be here than i thought.
hold up.
didn't bite.
thought he might be coolin' it in the boneyard -- could either double-back to the ship or slip in behind us. so i left the bottle out as bait.
but nah. didn't bite.
never thought we were.
long gone. whoever they were.
i'm born-again.
hey. don't go too far, huh?
shut up.
sorry. thought i heard something.
like my pistola.
same crap, different planet, huh?
i don't play that. i don't play that so just try again. c'mon, riddick, tell me a better lie.
sir shiv-a-lot. he likes to cut.
i assume he licked it clean.
i know what happened -- he went off on the guy, buried him on the hill somewhere, and now he's trying to --
i am sure. look, murders aside, riddick belongs in the asshole hall of fame. he loves the jaw-jackin', loves making you afraid, 'cuz that's all he has. and you're playing right into --
well, don't ask me to.
i don't. but that ground looked none too stable, and i don't want anyone --
hey. bein' ballsy with your life now doesn't change what came before -- it's just stupid.
you said it, not me. let's just not let one bad call lead to another.
we got you. it's okay, it's okay. we got you now.
we're movin'. and i'm just wondering if i shouldn't lighten the load right now.
want you to remember this moment, riddick. the way it coulda gone and didn't.
here's the deal. you work without the chains, without the bit -- without the shivs. you help us get off this rock.
truth is, riddick, i'm tired of this head-up shit. i wanna be free of you as much as you wanna be free of me.
only if we both get outta this alive. and there may be a way.
if you were me, i'd kill us both. c'mon, you wanna sit at the grown-up table or not?
didn't say that. but least this way i don't have to worry about falling asleep and not wakin' up.
he's happy just bein' vertical. leave him be.
little ratty-ass.
check those containers for me. see what we can patch wings with.
how many?
25 kilos each, huh?
do it. and if you need an extra hand, tap our problem child out.  where's riddick?
missin' the party. c'mon.
musta crapped out here, huh?
well, just a skiff. disposable, really.
rag it, riddick. nobody wants your theories on --
not sure, but tell you what: chrislams better not be diggin' another grave out there.
let's board this up and get the hell gone. they seem to stick to the dark, so if we stick to daylight, should be all --
are you fuckin' kidding me?
let's wait on the power cells.
we're not sure when it happens, so let's not --
ever tell you how riddick escaped?
hijacked a prison transport, made a helluva good run 'fore i tracked him down.
he also figured out how to kill the pilot, fry.
that's what i said.
may've noticed chains don't work on this guy. only way we're truly safe is if he believes he's goin' free. but if he stops believin' --
-- we need a fail-safe. bring the cells over at the last possible minute -- when the wings are ready, when we know we're ready to launch.
he's a murderer. the law says he's gotta do his bid.
i won't give him a chance to grab another ship -- or to slash another pilot's throat.
i never said i was.
you have a little caffeine in the morning, i have a little morphine. so what?
not a problem unless you're gonna make --
owens was already dead. his brain just hadn't caught on to that fact.
my first run-in with riddick. went for the sweet-spot and missed. they had to leave a piece of the shiv in there. i can feel it, sometimes, pressing against the cord. so maybe the care and feeding of my nerve-endings is my business.
yeah, well, look to thine own ass first. right, "captain"?
jesus, how many can there.
well, i don't want to jump to conclusions here. but 'member that boneyard? these just might be the fuckers that killed every other living thing on this planet, okay? chances of shazza knockin' on that door anytime soon are just about zero squared.
i'd rather piss glass.
wanna rag your fat mouth?
c'mon, man, you're drivin' everybody bugfuck with those things. why don't you just lose the goddamn.
okay. we're okay. just some small ones that musta --
very big beads.
'sokay, 'sokay. i killed it.
we'll burn a candle for him later. c'mon.
enough for what?
oh, lady. if you're in your right mind, i pray you go insane.
back it up. how long can this last? few minutes? couple hours?
those suns gotta come back sometime. and if these animals really are phobic about light, we just sit tight till then.
look, we gotta think about everyone now -- the kid especially. how scared is she gonna be out there?
smoke screen for what?
hey. why don't you rag your hole for two seconds and let someone else come up with a plan that doesn't involve mass suicide?
what the hell's it matter?
79 kilos.
i'm willing to take a cut in pay.
oh, trash baby, you're gonna regret this.
fuck me. you said "clear."
well, what's it look like now?
he'll lead you over the first cliff. you know that, don't you?
you give him the cells and the ship -- and he will leave you. he will leave you all out there to die.
so you noticed too?
such as.
she's the pilot, she should stay close to the cells.
we aren't completely stupid.
he's running us 'round in circles. look for yourself. look!
about how to kill us and still get these cells to the skiff. goddamnit, we're just doin' the heavy lifting for this prick!
what're you jaw-jackin' about? girl's not cut.
aw, this can't be happening to me.
hey, you're the one who got me out here, turned me into a goddamn sled dog. an' now you 'spect me to go back like a whipped dog?
i dunno. nice breeze, wide open spaces -- you know, i'm startin' to enjoy myself out here.
no, no, you're right, fry. what's to be afraid of? my life is a steamin' pile of meaningless toadshit anyhow. so i say mush on! canyon's only couple hundred meters, after that we're in skiff city! so why don't you just butch up, stuff a cork in that kid, and get --
listen to her? her? when she was willing to sacrifice us all?
during the crash, she --
-- she tried to blow the whole fucking passenger cabin, tried to kill us --
-- tried to kill us in our sleep. paris had it right -- we are disposable. we're just walking ghosts to her.
we're not alive because of her -- we're alive in spite of her.
how much you weigh right now, fry? huh?
verdict's in. the light moves forward.
ain't all of us gonna make it.
six of us left. if we could get through that canyon and lose just one, that'd be quite a fucking feat, huh? a good thing, right?
what if you're one of five?
look, it's hellified stuff -- but no different than those battlefield doctors when they have to decide who lives and who dies. it's called "triage," okay?
either way, figure it's something you can grab onto.
trawl with it. there's a cable on the sled. we can drag the body behind us.
don't wanna feed these land-sharks -- just keep 'em off our scent.
don' look, don' look, don' look.
what do you care?
then let's not name the thanksgiving turkey, okay? i assume you still got a shiv.
what's one more to you? like this is the one that sends you to hell?
awright. you do the girl, i'll keep the others off your back.
aw, don't tell me you're growin' scruples.
like who, mr. chrislam?