well. our own little slice of heaven. anyone else having breathing problems? aside from me? well, i tend toward the asthmatic. and with all this dust. mine here. be surprised what these will fetch in the taurus system. here. this wooten here -- easy, easy. very rare. 200-year-old single-malt scotch is to "booze" as foie gras is to "duck guts." i'll need a receipt for that. for all these. maratha crow-bill war-picks from northern india. very rare. blow-dart hunting stick from papua new guinea. very very rare, since the tribe's extinct. well, what's the need, anyway? if he's gone, he's gone. why should he bother us? so much for my cocktail hour. amazing how you can do without the essentials of life -- so long as you have the luxuries. now did you run away from your parents? or did they run away from you? this now qualifies as the worst fun i've ever had. stop it. audrey? oh, audrey. tell me that was you. assailing my fragile sense of security, that's what. oh, lord. so just like that. wave your little wand and he's one of us now. paris p. ogilvie. antiquities dealer, entrepreneur. you know, if i owned hell and this planet. i believe i'd rent this out and live in hell. i mean, usually i can appreciate antiques, but, uh. the strangest religion. perhaps we should toast our hosts. who were these people, anyway? miners? like an emergency life-raft, right? a toast to their ghosts, then. what do my eyes see? just a suggestion, but perhaps we should flee. not staying in here another. i know what's in here! hello, hello? like the light is scalding it. spirits. anything over 45 proof burns well. not sure. ten? possibly. i hate to kill a beautiful theory with an ugly fact, but that sand-cat won't run at night. oh, sure. why not? sounds like a hoot. can we switch? i think i twisted my ankle running backwards like that. and i'm not sure i can. okay, that's a lie. i just don't want to be alone back there anymore. if you could just give me a few minutes up front here -- oh, so i'm disposable? light, please, need light here. oh, sweet jesus. oh, sweet jesus, will you get me some light over here!