'mean the whispers? the ones tellin' me to go for the sweet spot -- just to the left of the spine, fourth lumbar down. the abdominal aorta. what a gusher. had a cup on his belt, so i used it to catch a little run-off. metallic taste to it, human blood. coppery. but if you cut it with peppermint schnapps, that goes away. course, that's more for winter. summertime, i take mine straight. all you people are so scared of me -- an' most days, i'd take that as a compliment -- but it ain't me you gotta worry about now. slam doctor. well, we called him "doctor." fairly fuckin' ironic, wouldn't you say? slamlight's so dim that you go and get your eyeballs taken out and shined up -- then you wind up here. three ass-kick suns. maybe i did do a few people. but not this one. no ma'am, not this time. look deeper. found somethin' worse than me, huh? woof, woof. say that again. for what? the honor of goin' back to some asshole of a cell? you'd cut me loose, boss? my recommendation: do me. don't take the chance that i'll get shiv-happy on your wannabe ass. ghost me, riddick. would if i were you. want you to remember this moment. richard b. riddick. escaped convict, murderer. doesn't need to be. use this to get back up to the sol-track shipping lanes, stick out a thumb. you'll get picked up. right? missin' the party. c'mon. didn't leave, these people. whatever got zeke got them. they're all dead. what, you don't really think they left with their clothes on the lines? photos on the walls? i know you don't uncrate your emergency ship unless there's a fucking emergency. has anyone checked the coring room? other buildings weren't secure. so they ran here. heaviest doors. thought they'd be safe inside, but. someone forget to lock the back door. just wanted his o-2. though i notice he tried to ghost my ass. when he shot up that stranger instead. what, it's broken? not afraid of the dark, are you? bad sign. shakin' like that in this heat. i'll cut. looks like we're a few shy. power cells. strange, not doin' a run-up on the main drive yet. strange unless he told you the particulars of my escape. an' now you're worried about a repeat of history? i asked what you thought. think johns is an do-right man? you think i can trust him to cut me loose? well, guess if it was trickeration he'd just do me, huh? then again. i am worth twice as much alive. didn't know? johns ain't a cop. oh, he's got that shiny badge an' all, but nah -- he's just a merc and i'm just a payday. that's why he won't kill me. the creed is greed. i don't truly know what's gonna happen when the lights go out, carolyn -- but i do know that once the dyin' starts, this little psycho family of ours is gonna rip itself apart. so you better find out the truth. come nightfall, you better know exactly who's standing behind you. oh, ask him 'bout those shakes. and ask why your crew-pal had to scream like that 'fore he died. don't wanna miss this. like i said. ain't me you gotta worry about. well, you got the big gauge. big beads. can you do sumpin' else with that? 'sides holding it in my fucking face? don't. move. no. think about that reward, johns. how 'bout a cut in your gut? looks clear. said "looks clear." looks clear. be runnin' about 10 paces ahead. i want light on my back -- but not in my eyes. and check your cuts. these things know our blood now. had it with deals. nobody's gonna turn a murderer loose. i fuckin' knew better. been a long time since anyone's trusted me. that's somethin' right there. actually. that's what i been askin' myself. saw something i didn't like. hard to tell, sometimes. even for me. but looked like a bunch of those big boys chewin' each other's gonads off. thought we'd swing wide. okay by you? hunger. i see 60 years of hunger. listen. canyon ahead. i circled once to buy some time to think. about the girl. what it's gonna be like when we hit that canyon. with her bleeding. no. she's not. they been nose-open for her ever since we left. they go off blood. there is no "safe." just realized that, huh? not if i'm the one. kept calling it "murder" when i did it. sacrifice play. hack up one body, leave it at start of the canyon. like a bucket of chum. nice embellishment. so which one caught your eye? what's her name, anyway? what, you 'spect me to do it? oh, you're a piece of art, johns. they oughtta hang you in a museum somewhere. or forget the museum -- maybe they should just hang you. just wonderin' if we don't need a bigger piece of chum. gotta stay in the light, johns. that's the only rule. remember that moment? shoulda never took the chains off, johns. you were one brave fuck, before. now look at you. oh, yeah, you were billy bad-ass with your gauge. with your chains. back to the ship, huh? so everybody huddles together till the lights burn out? until you can't see what's eating you? that the big plan? which half? he died fast. and if we got any choice, that's the way we should all go out. don't you cry for johns. don't you dare. one or two. only see one way. turn the sled over and drag it like that, girl down low. light up everything we got -- and run through like dogs on fire. i'll take those. let's drop back an' boot up. what're you doin'? and pointless. you don't see. 'cuz you don't spend half your life in lock-down with a horse-bit in your mouth and not believe. and you surely don't start out in a liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around your neck and not believe. oh, absolutely i believe in god. and i absolutely hate the fucker. give my blessing to the girl. she needs a spare. as fast as you can. as fast as you can. don't look. do not look up. keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going! it's a fucking staircase! go over it! go over it! didn't know who he was fuckin' with. get the girl back under. keep going. keep going or i will! so where the hell's god now, huh? i'll tell you where! he's up there pissing on me! we can't make it. here. hide here. inside. inside. strong survival instinct. admire that in a woman. think you've mistaken me for somebody who gives a fuck. confusin' me with johns now -- fear was his monkey. i only deal in life and death. all that stuff in between? some shade of grey my eyes don't see. truthfully? i wouldn't know how. got a better idea. come with me. they're already dead. get on board. 'course i am -- but doesn't mean i won't leave you here. if you believe anything about me, better be that. step aboard, carolyn. here. make it easy on you. just give me your hand. no one's gonna blame you. c'mon. take my hand and save yourself, carolyn. you'd die for them? you barely know them. yeah, yeah -- we're all fuckin' amazed. anyone not ready for this? tighter, tighter. stop. doesn't see us. wait for it to leave. get behind me. when i go, we go. full-throttle. ready. ready. you know the way! not for me. probably okay to talk to me now. not sure. i was just runnin' away when this whole thing. might interest you. think a soul could get lost there? with all those pilgrim-types?