it's breathable. briny. twenty-five percent salinity. near the saturation point. the question, landon, is not so much where we are as when we are. yo! yo! but how long is a day? nothing will grow here . there's just a trace of hydrocarbons, and most of the nitrogen is locked into nitrates. no. which direction? any particular reason? eight ounces. it doesn't add up. there's a mantle of dust around this planet and yet it's as humid as a jungle. thunder and lightning and yet no rain. cloud cover every night and that strange luminosity, and yet no moon. taylor -- quit riding him. taylor! over here! life. where there's one there's another. and another. and another. it's a stream bed., no doubt about it -- but bone dry. it's loaded with minerals, but safe. they -- there's a herd of them. i'm afraid they aren't having any. they didn't leave much did they? blessed are the vegetarians. look.