objection. the accused is indeed a man. therefore, he has no rights under ape law. learned judges: my case is simple. it is based on our first article of faith: that the almighty created the ape in his own image; that he gave him a soul and a mind; that he set him apart from the beasts of the jungle, and made him the lord of the planet. there is a conspiracy afoot to undermine the very cornerstone of our faith directly, mr. president. this wretched man, the accused, is only a pawn in the conspiracy. we know that he was wounded in the throat at the time of his capture. the state charges that dr. zira and a corrupt surgeon named galen experimented on this wounded animal, tampering with his brain and throat tissues to create a speaking monster . he can reason? with the tribunal's permission, let me expose this hoax by direct examination. tell the court, bright eyes -- what is the second article of faith? of course he doesn't know our culture - because he cannot think. tell us why all apes are created equal. ridiculous. that answer is a contradiction in terms. tell us, bright eyes, why do men have no souls? what is the proof that a divine spark exists in the simian brain? that's true, dr. zaius. my witnesses -- correction -- my exhibits are on display in the amphitheater. objection! these remarks are profane and irrelevant. objection! objection! yes, sir. the state charges doctors zira and cornelius with contempt of this tribunal, malicious mischief and scientific heresy.