simmer down! you especially. better give it a try, stupid. unless you like going hungry. good morning, dr. zira. no change. the minute you open the door, he goes into his act. you could get hurt doing that, doctor. they're all tame until they take a chunk out of you. see? he keeps pretending he can talk. huh? well, you know what they say. human see, human do. now what? i'd be careful, doctor. what did i tell you! try that again, i'll break your arm! look! what happened? i'll see. i told you what you'd get! natural born thieves, aren't they? he's vicious, doctor. besides, it's against the rules. how come? the beast's throat is nearly healed. if only you knew, bright eyes, what they're going to do . stand still now. don't give me any trouble. turn it off! shut up! the reason no one'll talk to you is because you're a freak! i said shut up! what do you want? at this hour? who says so? stop making speeches and show me the order. this order's no good. it must be counter- signed by dr. zaius --