are you julius? i'm from the office of animal affairs. this male's to be transferred to the zoo. don't they tell you anything? the anti- vivisectionist society is up in arms. they're going to save this beast from those butchers in the lab. if he can speak he belongs in the public zoo. but what'll probably happen is that some money-mad grown-up will put him in a circus. and then we'll have to pay to see what rightfully should have -- hit him! so you can talk. i'm dr. zira's nephew. this abduction was her idea. you're not really going to the zoo. that's just our cover story in case we're stopped. although i do feel that if it ever came down to a question of whether something like you should be public or private property -- zira doesn't want your female. if you insist. but i'm not taking any orders -- he wouldn't leave her. gorilla hunters . stand back! he's dangerous! you would die in agony! frothing at the mouth! i pursuaded them our beasts had rabies. who put them up? to scare off humans? something's wrong with your mate. shouldn't we be moving on? why did you do that? scrape off your hair? always giving orders. just like every other adult. they took me by surprise. sneaked up on me while i was watering the horses. what's happened to honor? i got off one round to warn you. disillusioned. but vindicated! i've been right all along. you can't trust the older generation. it's a matter of values -- what is it? yes, i can do that. what if they won't agree to your terms? they think you're behaving foolishly. i must say i agree. where will you go? i think you're making a mistake. what? dr. zaius, this is inexcusable! why must knowledge stand still? what about the future? what will he find out there, doctor?