this ad hoc tribunal of the national academy is now in session. president of the academy presiding. on my right, dr. maximus, commissioner for animal affairs. on my left, dr. zaius, minister of science and chief defender of the faith. appearing for the state, dr. honorius, deputy minister of justice. let it be clear at the outset that all matters pertaining to this inquiry are confidential, and anyone discussing them outside this chamber will be held in contempt of the tribunal. you may proceed, dr. honorius. well, dr. zira? this is a man, is he not? sustained. in all fairness, dr. zira, you must admit the accused is a nonape, and therefore has no rights under ape law. dr. zira -- tell bright eyes to sit down. it says here that his name is bright eyes. you gave him that name yourself. bailiff! make the animal be quiet. state your case, mr. prosecutor. come to the point, dr. honorius. mind your tongue, madame. proceed. but don't turn this hearing into a farce. read it yourself. stop right there. bring me that paper. this is a joke in very poor taste. dr. zira! silence that man! very well. i suggest we go and look at them. silence! bailiff, take the prisoner inside! bailiff! stop this outburst! gag that monstrosity! you visited the forbidden zone? sustained. your archeological theories have no bearing on the disposition of this creature. how so? sustained. sustained. silence! you have gone too far. be it so ordered. the tribunal will examine all the evidence presented here and in due time render a verdict on the proposed indictment and on the disposition of the deviate in question. this hearing is adjourned.