yes, amusing. a man who acts like an ape. he shows a definite gift for mimicry. an animal? of course. he saw you moving yours. a word to the wise, dr. zira. experimental brain surgery on these creatures is one thing. i'm all for it. but your behavioral studies are another matter entirely. to suggest that we can learn something about simian nature from a study of man is nonsense. besides, men are a nuisance. they outgrow their own food supply in the forest and migrate to our green belts and ravage our crops. the sooner they're exterminated, the better. it's a question of simian survival. oh, yes -- the young ape with a shovel. i hear you're planning another archeological expedition. cornelius, if you have a moment today, i'd like to discuss this expedition of yours in more detail. that man can be domesticated. did you forget our appointment, cornelius? you know dr. maximus, our commissioner for animal affairs? wouldn't it more properly be done in your office? nonsense. this man is not being tried. he is being disposed of. it is scientific heresy that is actually on trial here. dr. zira -- you state here that a ship from outer space sank in an inland sea of our eastern desert. do you believe him? but how convenient that the proof of his arrival has vanished? you also state that bright eyes had two intelligent companions at the time of his capture. where are they now? how sad. stuffed and mounted, eh? dead men, like sunken ships, can tell no stories. and his other companion? mr. president, i believe the prosecutor has reassembled all he surviving humans captured in the hunt along with bright eyes. well. do you acknowledge kinship with any of these creatures? identify him, then. speak to him. mr. president, a word of explanation: the creature in question suffered a skull fracture during the hunt. two fine veternary surgeons under my direction were able to save his life. but the beast could not speak, of course. nor will he ever speak he exceeded his orders. his travel permit was promptly revoked. let them talk, mr president. let them talk. there you are, mr. president. i warned you these two would use this hearing as a forum for subversion. mr. president, i think an indictment is in order. wait outside. the verdict is in. at the moment your simian friends -- and sponsors -- are free on bail. but they'll soon be brought to trial for heresy. oh, your case was preordained. in a way, you performed a service for the state . because your hearing made it possible for us to expose zira and cornelius. and now the tribunal has placed you in my custody for. final disposition. do you know what that means? emasculation, to begin with. then experimental surgery. on the speech centers. on the brain. ultimately, a kind of living death. however, it's within my power to grant you a reprieve. that is why i summoned you here tonight. tell me who and what you really are and where you come from, and no veterinary will touch you. you lied. where is your tribe? then how is it we speak the same language? even in your lies, some truth slips through! that mythical community you're supposed to come from -- fort wayne'? a fort! unconsciously, you chose a name that was belligerent. where were you nurtured? certainly not. you're a mutant. of course. because you're not unique. there was the one you call landon -- i admit that where there's one mutant there's probably another. and another. a nest of them. where's your nest, taylor? where are your women? you may well call it upside down, since you occupy its lowest level. and deservedly. the eastern desert has never been explored -- because we've always assumed that no life can exist there. save yourself, taylor. tell me -- is there another jungle beyond the forbidden zone? if you are protecting others of your kind, it will cost you your identity. you're a menace! a walking pestilence. i do know who you are, taylor. as i know that others of your kind must live in the forbidden zone. you have just six hours to make a full confession. after that i'll employ surgery to obtain one. guards! take this creature back to his cage. you're all under arrest! you seditious scoundrel. drop that rifle. don't be a fool. you're outnumbered and outgunned. very well. lower your weapons. it wasn't difficult. only an apostate or a lunatic would flee to the forbidden zone. i see you brought along the female of your species. i didn't realize a man could be monogamous. i ask you to reconsider the rash course you've taken. if you're convicted of heresy, the most you'll get is two years. but if you persist in pointing guns in my direction, you'll hang for high treason. i've seen some of your fossils and artifacts. they're worthless. there is no contradiction between faith and science. true science. what is your proposal? twelve hundred years ago. of course. present your evidence, cornelius. don't speak to me in absolutes. the evidence is contestable. to begin with, your methods of dating the past are crude, to say the least. there are geologists on my staff who would laugh at your speculations. secondly, if these 'tools' as you call them, are unidentified, why are they introduced as 'evidence' of anything? what? what does this prove? my grand- daughter plays with human dolls. your conclusion is premature. have you forgotten your scripture? the thirteenth scroll? 'and proteus brought the upright beast into the garden, and chained him to a tree, and the children made sport of him.' well? for a time the ancients kept humans as household pets. until the lawgiver proved that man could not be tamed. keep digging cornelius. you'll find evidence of the master of this house: an ape. that's lunacy. i can give an alternate description for everyone of those objects that's equally as inventive as yours. but it would be conjecture, not proof. cease fire! withdraw! oh yes he can. he's a born killer. deliver the message. then answer this: if ran was superior, why didn't he survive? what i know of man was written long ago -- set down by the wisest ape of all -- our lawgiver. open my breast pocket. read it to him: the twentythird scroll, ninth verse. i found nothing in the cave to alter that conception of man. and i still live by its injunction. he won't survive. do you know what sort of life awaits you out there, taylor? that of an animal. if you aren't eventually hunted down and killed by apes, some jungle beast will devour you. of course, you could return with us. our society might find a place for you and your mate. where else, but in a cage, does man belong? of that i'm sure. all my life i've awaited your coming and dreaded it. like death itself. because you are a man. and you were right -- i have always known about man. from the evidence, i believe his wisdom must walk hand in hand with his idiocy. his emotions must rule his brain. he must be a warlike animal who gives battle to everything around him -- even himself. the forbidden zone was once a paradise. your breed made a desert of it, ages ago. don't look for it, taylor. you may not like what you find. untie me! no, no! let him go! fetch your explosives. we're going to seal the cave. that's correct. and you will both stand trial for heresy. in a few minutes there will be no doll. there can't be. i'm sorry. what i do, i do with no pleasure. silence him. i may just have saved it for you. his destiny.