which one was wearing the strange clothes? will he live? this place is dirty, doctor. what do you mean, made it? i'm an animal psychologist, that's all. we don't have any authority. that's because dr. zaius realizes our work has value. the foundations of scientific brain surgery are being laid right here - in studies of cerebral function in these animals. good morning, julius. how's our patient today? well, what do we want this morning? do we want something? speak! come on, speak! do we want some sugar, old-timer? don't be silly. he's perfectly tame. well, bright eyes, is our throat feeling better? awww, it still hurts, doesn't it? did you see that? it's remarkable! he's trying to form words. he seems to want something. dr. zaius, i'm so glad you could come. he's over here. bright eyes, show him! go ahead! do your trick! speak! go on. speak again. there! can you believe it? i looks like he's talking. dr. zaius, i could have sworn he was answering you! i wonder how held score on a hopkins manual dexterity test? he's moving his fingers! but perhaps he understood -- put her in with him. no. that's bright eyes. the one i was telling you about. watch. hello, bright eyes. how's our throat today? look -- she remembers. the blood transfusion. something's bothering him. he's been prying around the lab for the last two days . good morning, dr. zaius. you know dr. cornelius, my fiance. stop! you've hurt him! take them inside! those fools and their torches! do you have any ointment? i'm sorry, bright eyes. julius, don't. it doesn't matter. get me a collar and leash. i'm taking him to the infirmary. do as i say. you wouldn't hurt me, would you. taylor? dear, you're a scientist. don't you believe your own eyes? 'and you're a fool'. oh, cornelius, be quiet. 'dodge was killed in the hunt. what happened to landon?' i don't know. 'not fell -- flew!' and even if it weren't, why fly? where would it get you? 'do you have maps?' you fell in the water here? . you came ashore . you marched across the desert . the mountains . many days and nights . and reached the jungle. cornelius, why do you insist on provoking him? 'then how do you account for me?, but what about your theory? the existence of someone like taylor might prove it. don't be foolish. if it's true, they'll have to accept it. cornelius has developed a brilliant hypothesis - -- that the ape evolved from a lower order of primate, possibly man. in his trip to the forbidden zone he discovered traces of a culture older than recorded time - you didn't think so then. how can scientific truth be heresy? what if taylor is exactly the proof you needed? a mutation. a missing link between the unevolved primate and the ape - 'i am not a missing link.' well, maybe they're not. oh, cornelius, show some strength! a man, dr. maximus. yes, sir. but this -- creature is a special case. we're -- conducting a new experiment. yes, sir. a toy. it floats on the air. try it. taylor, why'd you run away? i'm in charge of this man. shhhh! a hearing. by your leave, mr. president -- the tribunal has not yet defined the purpose of this inquiry. my own purpose is to save this exceptional creature from mutilation. at the very least, this man has the right to know whether there's a charge against him. he is unlike any man you have ever seen - as we hope to prove. then why is he called the accused your honors must think him guilty of something. thats a lie! did we create his mind too? not only can this man speak. he can write. he can reason. since the defendant is forbidden to speak in his own defense, he asks that this statement be read into the record. 'i have come to you from a planet in a different solar system. i am an explorer in space, with no hostile intentions against your civilization. on my planet it was the primate man who evolved into a thinking animal, while the apes remained" is it a joke to seek the truth about this man? i do not state it, sir. the prisoner does. like you, i find it difficult. this is his assertion. he doesn't know. which one? no, i swear -- i never saw this man before. sirs: our theories have a bearing on his identity. let us assume, as common sense dictates, that the prisoner's story is false. but if he does not come from another planet, then surely he sprang from our own. yes, sprang. as an animal psychologist, i have found no physiological defect to explain why humans are mute. their speech organs are adequate. the flaw lies not in anatomy but in the brain. sustain all objections, but face the truth! i told you not to bring the other one. all right. get in. hurry. put this on. taylor -- just keep quiet and we may get away with this. remember that men all look alike to most apes. keep moving. we can't turn back now. you can't! i've two sick humans in the cage. we're taking them to the chief vet at the zoo . no, no, my animals are diseased. leave them alone! they're diseased, i tell you! he's rabid! his bite is fatal! there was one bad moment -- some hunters stopped us. cornelius and i have been indicted for heresy. unless we can prove our theories, we don't stand a chance of acquittal. we've been in trouble since the moment we met you. we'd better get started. if the mounted police pick up our trail, they'll come this far at least. are you going to take her with you? actually, you're a different breed. this creature will never evolve. you want her that much? the hunt club. let me handle this. you may be smarter than i am, but i'm the veterinary on this planet. she's not sick at all. she's pregnant. taylor, please -- but there's the doll, sir. taylor! tell him. are you going to let that pass without an answer? lucius. taylor, you can't. taylor, please -- don't treat him that way. it's humiliating. but suppose you find nothing but a wasteland. how will you survive? we can't. all right, but. . you're so damned ugly! go with god, taylor. that's an old expression. it comes from both ape and man. but the proof? the doll?