you should have known better than to write, romeo. i found that out a long time ago. splendid, mother. let's hop over to monte carlo. it's a great place to save a face. wait a minute don't mind mother. i'm sure you're quite willing to be decent about this. you're not going to print this silly thing, are you? because my name's schuyler too. and i haven't done a thing, but i'll suffer with michael. and so will mother. as a special favor to me, you won't print that story, will you? oh, thank you, i knew you'd understand. what's wrong? you may go, smythe. i'm not interested. smythe will open the door. where did you get those letters? i suppose you're going to print them? will you step into the library? what are your initials - mr. - er will - uh - five thousand be enough? for the letters, of course. i don't know how to thank you. mother'll be so grateful - she'll probably want to kiss you. you're a peculiar person. why the other day i pleaded with you not to send in that story and i won't even pretend it isn't a very great favor. i wish there was something i could do for you oh, you fool! really? you're a bit eccentric, aren't you? you don't wear garters! i'm just beginning to believe that something could be done with you. not if you're going to lose any sleep about it. now, how would you like themopen like this? oh, hello mother! why please go. i'll explain to mother. oh, stew and i went for a long ride. just the same, he's going to be a different person when i get through with him. yes, it'll be a very interesting experiment. exactly. you don't seem to understand that this one's different. he has brains. you? oh, don't go serious on me, dexter. hello, natalie. mr. stewart smith . . . miss montgomery, mrs. eames, mrs. radcliff, mr. radcliff why should i? we're happy, aren't we, darling? now mother, calm yourself. there's no use in getting so excited. mother, if you keep this up, you'll have a nervous breakdown before you go to europe. mother, i promise you that he won't be a reporter much longer. once i get him away from that atmosphere and get him away from a man named gallagher now mother, your attitude is perfectly ridiculous. it's done now. stewart and i are married. i'm glad. come here baby! i haven't seen you for three hours. you're neglecting me already you ought to get some new ties, stewart. your place? sure. we can have the whole left wing and be all by ourselves all the time. but we don't need it, i'm sure. of course i am stewart. you have the cutest nose i've what do you think my friends would say if they found me in a little cheap flat? good morning, darling. oh, dawson, see that all mr. smith's clothes go to the cleaners this morning, please, will you? i've got a present. shut your eyes. keep 'em closed. i know you're going to love them. do you like them? you wear them of course, silly. i know that. darling, i don't care whether you can look gallagher in the face or not, but you're gonna be a good boy and wear garters. oh, yes you will my dear - oh, yes you will my dear - you'll eat spinach but you'll wear garters too! oh yes you will wear garters oh, yes, of course. how do you do? yes. as a matter of fact, you failed to mention that gallagher was a girl. miss wilson will give you the guest list and any other details you may need, miss gallagher. goodbye, miss gallagher. i thought i was very charming, stewart. good morning, mother. didn't i tell you that he'd be marvelous. everybody thought he was so charming last night. oh, the usual thing. blah, blah, blah attended the blah, blah reception and wore the same blah, blah things. you don't have anything to complain about, mother. he was all right last night, wasn't he? i told you not to worry about him. mother! is this true, stewart? did you really say it? dexter. oh, you can't disappoint all the women. after all it isn't every day they get to see a famous round-the-world flier. are you complaining? we're waiting for my husband stop trying to be funny, and get ready, will you? what are you talking about? well, are you going - or aren't you? will you stop being silly, stewart? meaning, my friends aren't worthwhile, i suppose? oh, dexter! i see. i think you should, miss gallagher. the idea is simply this - that i want those people to leave here immediately. unreasonable! have you any idea what the place looks like downstairs? do you expect me to stand here and see this place turned into a cheap barroom? stewart! you can't walk out of here like this. that's ridiculous. you're acting like a child.