much obliged. say, take it easy! take it easy! listen, my boy. no use you hanging around here. just buy the tribune tonight and read all about it. you can rewrite it for your last edition. oh, is that so? hey, make up your mind, will you? hi, folks! what's the matter? isn't there a 'bless you' in the crowd? yeah, hello. how are you? thanks, i will. oh, man! oh, boy! well, i should say! is that so? what's the matter? she got a cold? is that so? oh, that's all right with me. i won't hold it against you. but you see, i'm here to find out about oh yeah? why, sure. it's a lotta hooey. all right, all right, don't mention it. i certainly will. well, so long folks! thanks! thanks. hello, there, meadows! i want to see stew smith. oh excuse me - i mean mr. smith. oh, a party! great, great! jolly times and merry pranks. that's me. i'm a guy who loves parties. you know a beautiful pair of shoulders! but listen now, as a favor, will you please make it snappy, laughing waters, and tell stew smith i gotta see him because if you don't my whole family's going to die. well, i got a seat, but i have no place to put it. no. i was just looking at it. pretty, ain't it? i was just looking for the price tag. oh, nothing. i just blew over - i wanted to see how the old newshound looked made up for a gentleman. oh boy, i'd love it. a photograph? what's the matter? hasn't mama had you done in oils yet? take it easy! take it easy, dempsey. just relax, my boy, relax and open your pores. i bring a message from garcia. yeah. the boss sent me over to offer you a job. he wants you to write a daily column on the tribune. it's all right. you can write your own ticket. a hundred and fifty bucks a week. there's no catch. this is on the up and up. of course all you have to do is just sign the article - by anne schuyler's husband. well, how does the old cinderella man feel about that? no, it's just little bingy baker. fire water all right. well, stew, that's all thrashed out. by golly, i'm surely glad to see that you're not really sore. you know our racket - after all, news is news. i gave you the breaks, didn't i? that hairy chest story!