yeah, that's all i ever get from you guys - a lot of hard luck stories. you come back here and i'll give you an assignment. it will be a last interview - with the cashier! you? if you ever got your foot into a drawing room, you'd step on a sliding rug! stew is the only man that's got brains enough to handle this. scram! well, did you look in the not there, eh? for cryin' out loud, where is that? go and dig him up! stew! stew smith! what? the screen? come over here! yeah? yeah? aagh! no wonder you're batty. would it be imposing too much upon you if i asked you to do a little work today? just to sort of break the monotony? do you know what to do in a drawing-room? yeah, little gloria. right - for the first time this year. come on, get going, get going! yeah - and get us into a million dollar libel suit. it wouldn't be the first time. now, you get over there and get a statement out of the old lady, the sister, or the kid. any of them - but get it. what expenses? all you need is carfare to long island. you'd better get a shave and a shine, because you, you're going to have a tough time getting in there as it is. what? oh, i'll be surprised, eh? listen if there's any news in that sheet that i haven't thrown in the wastepaper basket, i'll eat it. you double-crossing hound! come over here! you wouldn't know news if you fell into a mess of it, nose first. so you're the bright lad that's never been scooped! i've heard of people being scooped on their own funerals, but this! holy mackerel! why, it's news when anne schuyler gets her fingernails manicured, but this! she gets married to one of our own reporters and the tribune beat us to it! why not? what do i care about your mother-in-law! you're still working for this paper, aren't you! or are you? well, it's your business to get news! and here you had a story right in your own lap and you let the tribune scoop us on it. making a first class grade a monkey out of me. if it ever happens again - just don't bother about coming back. that's all. what's the benedict looking for in the newspaper - his lost freedom? well, when are you quitting? i take it you don't have to work for a living any more mr. schuyler . is that so? anne schuyler's in the blue book - you're not even in the phone book. think that one over, sucker. blah! it's like a giraffe marrying a monkey. you heard me. a bird in a gilded cage. the one about the siberian bloodhound? araby? araby, my eye! well, i'm sorry to see a good reporter go blooey no?