pardon me, madam - but what am i to say to the newspapermen? very good, sir. i've anticipated it, madame. the bicarbonate is ready. the gentleman from the tribune, first. i understand, sir. yes, sir. mrs. schuyler left orders, miss, that if this person came here again, i was to call the police. but i double strength! who shall i say, madam? yes, miss. miss gallagher of the post. pardon me, mr. smith is engaged. we are having a reception here this evening i'll tell mr. smith at once, sir. have a seat. pardon me, sir, but i've heard that one before. well done, sir. very neat. yes, sir. pardon me, madam. they phoned through from the mayor's committee to remind you it's past the hour for the reception. they've been ready for the last half hour. did you call, sir? yes, sir. yes, sir. no, sir. yes, sir. well, sir, i putter. i just putter. oh no, sir. i putter with me hands. well sir, i'll show you. that's puttering, sir. oh no, sir. some people are natural putterers. others can never master it. yes sir. yes sir. you sir? uh-uh. you could never be a putterer. not a good putterer, sir. well sir, to be a putterer, one's mind must be at ease. a person with a problem could never be a putterer. for instance, sir, a fish can putter in water but not on land because he'd be out of place. an eagle can putter around a rugged mountaintop but not in a cage, because he'd be restless and unhappy. now sir, if you will pardon me, with all due respect, sir, as a smythe to a smith, you are an eagle in a cage. yes. very good, sir. it isn't done, gentlemen! it isn't done, i say! it isn't done! sure, you'd love it. well, for crying out loud, i don't know. and i don't care. whoopee!