what are you waiting for? he ain't gonna bite you. move out. tell that dipshit to get fucked. get that other freshmeat up here. gardner. what the hell's the matter with you taylor! you a sorry ass motherfucker. fall back. we got boo-coo movement. 3rd battalion just got hit 15 kliks north of here. yeah, they got two lieutenants and a captain. elias - you take your squad and i'll take tex and francis from your squad. we move out in two-zero mikes. you get your men ready elias . okay, let's move out. shut up! shut up - and take it! take the pain! how the hell did he get away? take a good look at this lump o'shit . rmember what it looks like, all of you. you fuck up in a firefight and i guaran-goddamn-tee you, a trip out of the bush - in a bodybag. out here, assholes, you keep your shit wired tight at all times . and that goes for you, shit for brains. you don't sleep on no fuckin' ambush. next sonofabitch i catch coppin' z's in the bush i'm personally gonna take an interest in seeing him suffer - i shit you not . yeah, and i ain't even cheating yet. play lieutenant? pssst! bunker . corpsman! goddamit! are you fucking kids ever gonna learn! don't you understand how easy it is to die! you gonna sit there and play with yourself taylor or you gonna be part of my war . awright, saddle up, let's go - tubbs you got point. check him out. get out of there you fuckheads move! move! put'em in the pig pen. there's more down there. gimme your willy pete. fire in the hole! bring the honcho over here. burn it. where'd he get these wounds? ask him what the weapons are doing here? bullshit . who the hell was the dink we just nailed on the riverbank? yeah sure it was. what about all that fucking rice and the weapons . who they for? cocksucker knows what i'm saying . don't you pop? what's the bitch saying? tell him he talks or i'm gonna waste more of 'em. go ahead, lerner, ask him. this his daughter, right? you lie . you vee cee . i caca ado vee cee! stay out of this elias. this ain't your show. you're dead, you're fucking dead elias! you got it sir - and i can throw in plenty of eye- witnesses if you want sir . elias' a waterwalker . like them politicians in washington. want to fight their war with one hand tied round their balls. ain't no time or need for a courtroom out here . goddamit, you assholes get fucking' firepower out there! get two bravo up here. get me a gun. spread it out! more to the flanks! look for a fuckin' target! where the fuck is red platoon! tell 'em to get their asses up here! what the fuck you doin' back here elias? round up your assholes and move 'em up front, we're getting chopped to shit. take off, but keep your radio here. don't tell me how to fight this fucking war, 'lias, you go crying to fucking brigade on your time. out here you belong to me. now move. get that asshole o'neill up here willya! that fuckin' idiot! you ignorant asshole! - what the fuck coordinates you giving! you killed a bunch of people with that fucked up fire mission! you know that? . ah shit! redleg romeo . ripper bravo two. check your fire, check fire, you're short on our pos! i say again, check your fuckin' fire! . from registration point, add one five zero, left five zero, fire for effect! let's move back, link up with three. let the arty do a little work. push two alpha and two charlie. tell'em to haul ass and re-group at the church. tell'em not to fire. i'll get him. you just haul ass too lootenant. . don't send bravo three up till i get back to the cp. now move out, all of you. where's elias? didn't you hear the arty shift? we're pulling back. get your wounded man and get the fuck back to the church. get going. i'll get him. you get the man in, taylor now. or i'll article 15 both your asses. move! move it, move it! elias is dead. join up with the platoon. move it. yeah. back about 100 metres. he's dead, now get going, the gooks are all over the fuckin' place. talking 'bout killing? y'all experts? y'all know about killing? you pussies gotta smoke this shit so's you can hide from reality? . me i don't need that shit. i am reality. there's the way it oughta be and there's the way it is. 'lias he was full of shit, 'lias was a crusader - i got no fight with a man does what he's told but when he don't, the machine breaks down, and when the machine breaks down, we break down . and i ain't gonna allow that. from none of you. not one . y'all loved elias, want to kick ass, i'se here - all by my lonesome, nobody gonna know. five you boys 'gainst me? kill me. i shit on all o' you. death? what do you guys know about it? so what's the problem? shit. get your boots on martin, next time i catch you putting mosquito repellant on your fuckin' feet i'm gonna courtmartial your nigger ass. get me that centipede, o'neill. yeah that long hairy orange and black bastard i found in the ammo crate. i'm gonna put it in this asshole's crotch, see if he can walk. yeah, what is it? i can't do that for you, red . we need every swinging dick in the field. sorry bout that . i'm talking to you red and i'm telling you no. get back to your position. everybody gotta die sometime red . get back to your foxhole. get me a medic will ya. go on . fuck you in hell .