fuck you bitch. tricky bitch, reason you gimme dat turkey loaf is nobody else can eat that shit 'cept me so don't start your game playing with me junior. de fool think he's gonna get it but he ain't known for his thinking. that reminds me, i gotta take a shit. yeah if you let me have your shirt. you gonna be okay taylor, okay, don't you start worrying now. bullshit man, you gettin outta the field, man. three hots a day, white sheets, dem pretty white nurses give you blowjobs too you pay em enough, i heard tell bout dem white bitches. better save yo strength taylor. shaddup bitch. hey look at charlotte! she braid her hair under her armpits, crutcher. i know dat feeling . what dat? please, somebody hold my dick! inga? yeah, dawn . shit, got to paint myself white get one of dem jobs. get ma request in for a circumcision. dat's okay wid me, better to have a small one den no one at all. short round! it's short, man! they fuckin' got fu sheng! barnes! over here! yeah, i'se lucky dis time, what's a leg to get the fuck outta here . eat ma shit, you motherfuckers!