you're humping way too much, troop, don't need half this shit. i'll haul it for you but next time you check it out with me okay? hold it up. lerner, you'd choke to death on it. i thought it was o'neill's turn tonight. they don't know shit barnes, and chances are we gonna run into something. hey o'neill why don't you cool it, you don't have to be a prick everyday of your life, you know. don't need this or this . you're doing okay. just stick close to tex, do what he does. tex you got junior and taylor here on your position. you got taylor . . gardner you go with me 'case somethin' happens to you, you get separated or lost don't yell out okay. sit tight. we'll get to you. blood trail just keeps going and going but no body. fuckers returned fire soon as we lit 'em up. hard core fuckin' nva. they got their shit together. knock it off! we got two men need attention here. police up your extra ammo and frags, don't leave nothing for the dinks. hoyt, junior, carry gardner. man'd be alive if he'd had a few more days to learn something. put your mouth on that. first time? then the worm has definately turned for you man. feel good? feelin' good's good enough. hey crutcher. i hear you got a dear john from your gal. told you she wasn't getting 'nuff from you. what'd you say her name was again? daisy mae! what daisy mae look like crutcher? i fucked this chick in hawaii man. couple weeks ago . oooooh! wow - outasight. gracie slick man, she looked like gracie man, i shit you not. no whorehouse man. on the beach. yeah, sure. she walked right by me. long black hair, tits swinging. ass like french bread. legs don't end right. i just stopped man. my heart's beating like a hardon right i got a hardon sticking through my pants, my bathing suit looks like a hutch . so i'm thinking to myself - elias you walk away from this, you gonna regret this the rest of your natural life. so i go after her, follow her down the beach. you know find out if she is what she is. well she was picking up her kids. no, dat ain't dat. like two hogs in heat. boy. what didn't she do. she fucked the living shit outta me, that's what she did! couldn't get enuff . she was a crossbreed, chinese and polish. yeah - and has blonde hair and almond-shaped eyes. she had blonde hair man. and long tan legs, in those leather sandals you know, with those thongs up to her knees, this musky oil on it . mmmm smelled good when they were wrapped around my face . and a broken nose. yeah, otherwise she would've been too perfect, y'know what i mean . some woman. her name was . dawn! that was it! tell six we need engineers here, this pos. is crawling with traps. barnes!! what the fuck you doing! you ain't a firing squad, you piece of shit!! you - you're going to fuckin' jail, buddy, you ain't getting away with this one!!!!! why the fuck didn't you do something lieutenant! you know what i'm talking about! get outta here. i did. my report sir, will include lt.wolfe as being witness to the shooting . don't feel like it either. yeah. i love this place at night. the stars . there's no right or wrong in them, they're just there. barnes believes in what he's doing. in '65 - yeah. now . no. what happened today's just the beginning. we're gonna lose this war . we been kicking other people's asses so long i guess it's time we got our own kicked. the only decent thing i can see coming out of here are the survivors - hundreds of thousands of guys like you taylor going back to every little town in the country knowing something about what it's like to take a life and what that can do to a person's soul - twist it like barnes and bunny and make 'em sick inside and if you got any brains you gonna fight it the rest of your life cause it's cheap, killing is cheap, the cheapest thing i know and when some drunk like o'neill starts glorifying it, you're gonna puke all over him and when the politicians start selling you a used war all over again, you and your generation gonna say go fuck yourself 'cause you know, you've seen it, and when you know it, deep down there . you know it till you die . that's why the survivors remember. 'cause the dead don't let em forget. oh shit! sometimes there's things in my head . man. grass does that to me, fucks me all up like a crazy indian . yeah, those are the guys that live. i really don't think death gives a shit, it's like a giant garbage can, i think it takes whatever it can get . you never know where it's gonna come from anyway . so why spin your wheels? sure, goes on all the time. maybe a piece of me's in you now, who knows. but when you die - really die - that's a big return ticket. i like to think i'm gonna come back as . as wind or fire - or a deer . yeah, a deer . lootenant, they're kickin our ass, they know we're gonna bring heavy shit on 'em pretty soon so they're gonna get in tight under the arty. i spotted a cut running around to the left. lemme take some men and roll up that flank . i can work right up on 'em . look, lootenant . barnes, listen to me . there's 5-6 spiderholes back there next to the church. third platoon's coming up the stream to reinforce us. flank's wide open, dinks get 3-4 snipers in these holes, when third platoon comes up, they'll get us in a crossfire with 'em. we'll shoot each other to shit, then they'll hit us with everything they got. it'll be a massacre! maybe but i seen it happen at ia drang in '66, first cavalry and they cut us to fuckin' pieces! give me three men, if i'm wrong, i can still roll up that flank. you keep pouring out that suppressing fire, barnes. i don't wanna be caught out there with my ass hanging out you hear me? move it! move it! they're coming . stagger yourselves across this line, shoot anything that moves. they'll be coming from here. one of them gets through it's curtains. down along the river 'bout 100 metres, 'case they try to flank us there. third platoon's coming up on our rear so watch for 'em. no . i move faster alone.