bravo two, six. what's the delay up there, move it out on point. we've got a link up at phase line whiskey at one eight zero zero, over. not now. we'll get into this when we get back to base camp. right now i need every man in the field, i want your guys to stick together . elias? barnes? . you hear me? this is no time for fighting with each other. tomorrow we're going back into that bunker complex - from the east. first platoon will lead . brigade thinks they might be back there tomorrow. that's all . get some rest. bravo three alpha! send me a grid. send me a grid, over! ok, three alpha, calm down now, son. i'm gonna get you a fire mission asap. smoke'll be first . just spot the smoke son and tell me where to shift. we'll get you out of there. just hang tough and tell me where the rounds hit, over. bravo three alpha six. how bout those rounds son? can you adjust fire? three alpha, if you can't talk, just key the handset twice over. bravo two, six! goddamit where the hell you plannin' to pull back to! they're all over the perimeter. be advised lieutenant, you will hold in place and you will fight and that means you, lieutenant. out! snakebite leader, ripper bravo six, we're gonna need you soonest be advised i've got zips in the wire down here, over! snakebite leader, bravo six, for the record, it's my call. dump everything you got left on my pos. i say again, i want all you're holding inside the perimeter. it's a lovely war. bravo six actual and out. you got second platoon sergeant.