you're a sick mother bunny. don't matter, she knows what it means . an she don't read too good nohow . hey taylor, what's in the breeze? shit, too bad we in base camp anyway. yeah, just stole me some from the top's supply but he's stealing it from us anyway. chucks are coming. you better 'didi' man. i found it . motherfuckah, motherfuckah, i'm too short to be dealing with this shit! they keep fucking with us man, no letup . forty-two days man and a wakeup and i'm a gone motherfucker. back to de world. march man in tennessee, sniff the pines . sniff that crossmounted pussy walkin' down by the river. what you got taylor? let's see three hundred and what? how the fuck you get over here man, you look like you educated . you what? say 'gain. you a crazy fucker, givin' up college man. what we got here a crusader? sheeit, gotta be rich in the first place to think like dat. everybody know the poor always being fucked by the rich. always have, always will. you okay man? neck botherin' you? here have some of this. won't feel a thing. go on, whatcha gotta lose, yo' here now . suck it in. hold it . that's it. now let it out. dat's what they all say. fuck it, don't mean nothing, no such thing here as a coward, done your best man, next time y'do better. yo getting there taylor. you be cool now and i'll introduce you 'round to some of the 'heads'. later . this ain't taylor. taylor been shot. this man chris been resurrected . go ahead on, smoke it man. daisy mae highway, that's what. well whatcha want, lerner, your dick been limp for a year, 'cept when you're bopping your buddy tony up there. and? merle? dawn? whew! - where that come from? sheeit, beats burning hutches anyway . barnes gets killed, his jaws'd go on clacking . he done a year in japan in the hospital, then when he gets out, the first thing he done is re-up. four years he been in the field . yeah, you done said it. revenge on us. love, yeah! yeah, get married to some crazy el lay bitch, an actress or somethin', she blew all his bread - lsd, gurus, all that california shit, and then she turns him into the cops on a drug rap. so he got a reduced and come over here. nam's his freedom man, nam's his pussy. three years he been here. well sometimes a man jes don' wanna go back. how you gonna talk to civilians man? people back in the world just don't give a shit, y'know what i mean, to them you're a fuckin' animal is all - yeah, big boy, thought you had that laundry gig all laid out? gonna be a rabbi man? your girlfriends gonna look for new lovers, man. best thing a bro's got's his flap. watch out! rocket! man, you gonna be in japan this time tomorrow, big harold. i go with dat, an eye for an eye man. then you jes gonna forget 'bout elias and all the good times we done had? right in here. right on. glad i ain't going with 'em. somewhere out dere man is de beast and he hungry tonight . man, what a bummer. ten days and a wakeup and i'm still dealing wid this shit - fuckin' etcetera and ad infinitum man what's the matter wid you? . how come you ain't writing no more? you was always writing something home. looks like youse half a bubble off, taylor. what about your folks? that grandma you was telling me about? . girl? must be somebody? you been smoking too much shit babe. gotta control that. takes a man down . i remember when you first come out to the bush, you was straight as a . 'people say i'm the life of the party cause i tell a joke or two although i may be laughing loud and hardy deep inside i'm blue ' way out of anything, man. just keep your pecker up, your powder dry, the worm will turn. how many days you short? does a chicken have lips? whoever said we did, babe. make it outta here, it's all gravy, every day of the rest of your life man - gravy. oh shit, superlifer! you jokin' me man? . shit, you ain't kidding! cocksucker. oh wowww . the lifers made a mistake, they cuttin' me some slack, they cutting me some slack taylor! i gotta didi man. don't wanna miss that chopper. i'll send you a postcard. after i get me some. i'll send you some tapes too man. this new guy jimi hendrix man, whew . you okay taylor? just 'member take it easy now, don't think too much, don't be a fool, no such thing as a coward cause it don't mean nuthin. jes keep on keepin' on. okay my man .