yeah, they had claymores strung up in the trees, blew a whole fucking platoon to pieces. baad shit. shit! morehouse and sal are short. fu sheng's going on r&r, you don't want to send their asses out on an ambush. you got the fresh meat elias. so what am i going to do! get one of my guys zapped so some fuckface fresh from the world can get his beauty fucking sleep! fuck you elias. fucking guy's got 3 years in and he thinks he's cochise or something . excuses are like assholes, taylor - everybody got one. hey taylor - you back? awright, come here both of you. you too taylor got a little special job for you. ain't that tough shit now. shit, cocksucker's got all the cards tonight. what are you saving up to be lieutenant - jewish? sorry ass motherfucker ain't he. you think he gonna make it barnes? yeah that's what i figger. some dudes you jes' look in their faces and you know they just ain't gonna make it. where's manny? forget it will ya, let's go . how'd it go. gonna be an investigation or something bob? doc, up here! lerner's hit! . shit they got rpg's on our ass. fucking ambush - they was waiting for us to break trail! lerner and warren. get your gear together, king, your orders just come through. collect your shit and move out king. you got 10 minutes make the last chopper. cee ess em oh or your ass is mine. francis is coming over. says he can't walk. sarge? oh yeah, right away sarge. uh . bob. like to speak to you. take a minute. bob, i got elias' r&r . it's coming up in 3 days. going to hawaii. see patsy. i never asked you for a break, i was hoping you . you'd send me in on the chopper with king . what do you say chief? hey bob, come on! talk to me hunh, it's your friend red, i'm only asking you for three days chief . bob, i gotta bad feeling about this, i . i'm telling you i got a bad feeling, man, i don't think i'm gonna make it . y'know what i mean? fuck yeah. they all left me, bunch of fuckin' faggots. fuck the silver star. you got any booze? yes sir -