whatcha doing in the underworld taylor? you lame taylor? you lame or something? your shit's in the wind troop. baaaaah! if you're gonna do it man, 'least do it right. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! bah, you're a child, lerner. rhah don't waste time on you. and living in hawaii man? merle? jesus! . patty? found it. growing in a garden. yeah - stoned's the way to be . i know barnes six months and i'll tell ya something - that man is mean, red in his soul like a dick on a dog. barnes comes from hell. barnes took a bullet right there. at ia drang valley and you know how many times he done been shot? seven times! seven. the good lord works his revenge in strange ways. you mean he's crazy? no more crazy'n the rest of us been out in the bush too long. that's what he is . baaaa! and he's filled with it. he's roaming these jungles looking for little yellow devils to kill. remember the devil does god's work too. . and this here's elias . baaaa! baaa, got no time to go to the movies. love and hate too busy fighting for possession of my soul. 'lias come naturally. not the only man to meet his jezebel either. baaaa! fuck it, they sold us out - so what! what'd you'all expect? civilian life is phoney bullshit man. they're robots man - watchin' dopey television and drivin' dopey cars, and they fuck up, nobody dies. that's all right, you keep fuckin' up, politicians keep lyin'. cause it don't really matter. don't mean shit. so what! whatcha want - a parade! fuck that too! no war time no grunt never got no respect. till he was dead - and even then! you're fighting for yourself man! you're fighting for your soul, dat's all. remember dat. and it's some goddamn battle too - if you'se a man, wrestle with that angel . . love and hate - the whole shitbang show, that's the story then and now and it ain't hardly gonna change . you got one right there. where you goin' man! taylor - get your ass over here. move! gotcha. where you going? okay crawford - over here. taylor - down twenty yards behind that tree. i got one . looks like a lung babe. but you're gonna be all right, you only need one of them fuckers. stay cool. we gonna carry you out. sarge, 'bout five gooks tried to . came through right over there. we got three of them, we . taylor! shit boy you been out in the sun too long. you try that, he'll stick it right back up your ass with a candle on it. i suggest you watch your own asses cause barnes gonna be down on all of 'em. shit man - human nature. he dugged his own grave. he dugged it too. you guys trying to cure the headache by cutting off the head. 'lias didn't ask you to fight his battles and if there's a heaven - and god, i hope so - i know he's sitting up there drunk as a fuckin' monkey and smokin' shit cause his pains he done left down here. baaaaaaaaa! i remember first time you came in here taylor you telling me how much you admired that bastard. wrong? you ain't ever been right - 'bout nothing. and dig this you assholes and dig it good! barnes been shot 7 times and he ain't dead, that tell you something? barnes ain't meant to die. only thing can get barnes . is barnes! easy barnes, easy man!!! you'll do dinky dau in long binh barnes. ten years - kill an enlisted. ten years, barnes, just climb the walls. don't do it . you wanted to see me sir? squad? i didn't know we was still referring to this platoon in terms of squads sir. begging your pardon lieutenant but my holes are far enuff apart you could run a regiment through there and nobody'd see them - i got five live bodies left hey lieutenant i didn't ask for this job, i . you don't want to hear about it? right . taylor! francis! okay, here it is - one, we got gooks in the fuckin' perimeter. they got through alpha company! anything behind you don't identify itself, blow it away. two - air strike's coming in. they gonna lay snake and nape right on the perimeter so stay tight in your holes and don't leave 'em. they're probing us, they gonna go up and down this line all night trying to get through. stay cool . i'll be back . yeah, that's good shit . baaaaaaaaa!!!!!!