what's all the commotion? where's the cat? ah, right . well--guess i'll see ya later mary sue. bud . hi ya bud. can i ask you a question? well . if i was to ask your sister . what i mean is, if i was to go up to mary sue . what? what's the matter? yeah . how'd you know? she won't go out with me? i don't know what i'd do if she wouldn't go out with me . oh. mary sue . i sure am glad you said you'd come out with me tonight mary sue. i don't know if i ever said this to you before, but, well . i think you're just about the keenest girl in the whole school . oh yeah. oh, i dunno bud. guess i'll have my usual cheeseburger and a cherry coke. see the whole time we were in civics together, i really wanted to sit next to you--but you were always sitting between peggy jane and lisa anne. and you always seemed so smart and everything. like that report you did on "our town hall." gosh. i didn't know what i'd talk to you about. hunh? oh, right . so i know i haven't been steady with anybody, but i just don't want to rush it. you don't want to make a mistake with something that important. i mean, there's kids that are even holding hands already but i figure there's plenty of time for that kind of thing later on. don't you? anyhow . i really wanted to come over and sit next to you in civics but . what? but where would we go? lover's lane! sure is pretty. to be honest mary sue. i didn't think you'd want to come here until we'd been pinned for a little while. oh, that's silly mary sue. how could you possibly pin me? i think i better go home now mary sue . i think . i might be ill . i think something's happening to me. it is? me too. gee whizz, bud. guess i'll just have the usual. cheeseburger and a cherry coke. mary sue--c'mon . it's six-thirty . we were gonna . you know . why not? with what? it's better, mary sue.