just feels "wrong", that's all. but they do win 'em all, gus. they've always won 'em all. in honor and in recognition of your heroism . and with great appreciation from the citizens of pleasantville . i am pleased to present you with this special commendation, from the pleasantville chamber of commerce! oh, no thanks . i'm fine--but thank you. george, you're probably wondering why i asked if i could come over today . i'm sure you've noticed the same things we all have--certain "changes" going on in the town. you know what i mean by "changes"? "changes." and it's not just the fire or big stuff like that. it's little things. did you hear about bill miller? wife wants him to get one of those new beds. i really don't know. ben miller's son just quit his job as a boxboy at the market. no. they do. and it isn't just 'cause you're a great bowler . they respect you . and it's important for them to see someone they respect, stand up for what's right. if you love a place, you can't sit around and watch this kind of thing happen to it. and that's why i want you to be on the pleasantville chamber of commerce. why don't you start by saying "yes," and then getting me one of those swell pineapple kabobs. what happened? are you alright? what is it? real rain? oh my god . we had no idea. burt was rolling a 250 and . are you alright? what happened? it's gonna be fine george. well--we'll be safe for now--thank goodness we're in a bowling alley-- but if george here doesn't get his dinner, any one of us could be next. it could be you gus, or you burt, or even you phil . that's real rain out there gentlemen. this isn't some little "virus" that's going to "clear up on it's own." there's something happening to our town and i think we can all see where it comes from. we're gonna need a town meeting. phil, how fast can you turn around a leaflet in your print shop? gus, why don't you get a bunch of kids from the basketball team to help you put them up on lamposts and tree trunks . and the first thing you're gonna do is get a cup of hot cocoa and a nice dry bowling shirt. oh my god! this was found over in dave murphy's trash can. there were four of them like this . jane davidson found these in her son's laundry basket. this is from mary petersen's front porch. she found one last week. there were two more this morning . people, people . i think we all know what's going on here. obviously certain "changes" have been happening. up until now, things in pleasantville have always been-- well . "pleasant." and, recently, certain things have become . "un-pleasant." now it seems to me the first thing we have to do is to separate out the things that are pleasant, from the things that are "un-pleasant." george, why don't you and burt take the lead on this. why don't you put together kind of an "un-pleasant" activities committee . this is not the answer people. no matter how upset we may get, or how frustrated we may be, we're not gonna solve our problems out in the street. it's just the wrong way to do it. we have to have a "code of conduct" we can all agree to live by. now, i asked george and burt here to sketch out some ideas-and i think they've done a terrific job. if we all agree on these then we can take a vote and i think we'll start to move in the right direction. "one: all public disruption and acts of vandalism are to cease immediately." "two: all citizens of pleasantville are to treat one another in a courteous and "pleasant" manner " did you do this? do you know that it's illegal? bud--why did you do this? you're not allowed to do this! i could arrest you for this. dan! arrest them! what do you mean!? you put handcuffs on them and you take them to the police station. bud parker and william johnson, you have been charged with desecration of a public building and the intentional use of prohibited paint colors in violation of the pleasantville code of conduct and laws of common decency. do you admit that on the night of may 1, you did consciously and willfully apply the following forbidden colors to the pleasantville town hall: red, pink, vermillion, puce, chartreuse, umber, blue, aqua, ox blood, green, peach, crimson, yellow, olive and magenta. we prefer to keep these proceedings as "pleasant" as possible. i don't think a lawyer will be necessary. do you further admit that this was done surreptitiously and under the cover of darkness? good. do you further admit that this unnatural depiction occurred in full public view where it was accessible to, and in plain sight of, minor children? very well. let the record show that the defendants have answered in the affirmative to all the charges. do you have anything to say in your defense? very well . the basketball team? okay--that's enough! you're not allowed to lie. i said, that's enough! you're out of order! it's not in me. no it isn't.