oh, swell. you know, mr. connel said that if things keep going the way they are, i might be seeing that promotion sooner than i thought. hey, pumpkin! what's that smell? is that your meat loaf? oh pumpkin! you sure know the way to this man's heart. hey. where are those kids? hi sport, hi muffin . better get a move on, you're gonna be late for school. morning kids. better get a move on or you're going to be late for school. well, c'mon. dig in. son, what's wrong? bud, your sister's a little older now and she's naturally going to start going out with boys. . in fact pretty soon--she's even going to get married and make someone a good little home-maker like your mother here. that's if she can learn to bake. but your sister is a fine young woman and she would never do anything for us to be concerned about. basketball? no they sure haven't. sweetie? you coming to bed? betty? want some bridge mix? betty's making some pineapple kabobs . "changes." no. what? one of those . big beds? oh my gosh. what's he gonna to do? how? holy cow. oh well . thank you very much. no. of course not. oh my gosh. i hardly know what to say. oh sure . you bet. betty . honey--i'm home. honey--i'm home . honey, i'm home . where's my dinner? where's my dinner . where's my dinner . where's my dinner! where's my dinner! where's my dinner! where's my dinner? rain. well, i . i came home like i always do, and i came in the front door. and i took off my coat. and i put down my briefcase and i said "honey. i'm home." only no one was there. so i went into the kitchen and i yelled it again. "honey--i'm home." but there was no one there either. no wife. no lights. no dinner. so i went to the oven--you know-- because i thought maybe she had made me one of those "tv dinners " but she hadn't. she was gone. all night? i was in a bowling-alley. look. let's just forget about it. let's just go to the meeting and . sure you are. it's fine. you'll put on some make up and . it goes away . it'll go away. okay--now you listen to me . you're gonna come to this meeting and you're gonna put on this make up, and you're gonna come home at six o'clock every night and have dinner ready on this table. where are you gonna go? betty, don't go out there like that! they'll see you! they'll see you! betty, come back here! yes bud.