that was sure swell . i baked you my oatmeal cookies. no. i baked them for you. no. i baked them for you. see ya. c'mon. tell us . keeps going . so how does it end? oh . hi. sure . where would we go? um . you gotta turn off main street. aren't these great? do they have those . where you come from? you don't know? so what's it like? out there. how? sounds fantastic. you know some kids came up here the other night to go swimming--took off all their clothes. do they have an ocean? i've heard about the ocean. what's that like? mmmm. boy. it's hot up here. you want some berries? i picked them myself. they grow wild up here. mmm. so sweet. oh yeah. there's a lot of stuff. currants and strawberries . here. i'll show you. here. go on. try it. what is that? what's going on? real rain? what do we do? what top? oh my god . it's beautiful. where'd you get it? can i open it? hello whitey . where are they? you're gonna forget about me. i like calling you david.