hey tyler! chill, brah. you know who this is? johnny utah. ohio state, all- conference. rose bowl three years ago. right? something happened. you got nuked in the last quarter. and that's why you never went pro? mmm. a lawyer, huh? too bad. but at least you're surfing now. so your life's not over yet, right? back off! now!! just let it go! he's with me. now back off. seriously.just do it! you alright warchild? whoa! whoa! hold it, ladies. give it a rest. let's go. do me a favor, johnny, just keep walking. the one you decked is bunker wiess. the big one is his brother, warchild. the other two always hang. they think they're some kinda death squad around here. they're punks. nazis. their brains are wired wrong. they hurt surfing because they give nothing back, and they have no respect for the sea. they just want to get radical. it's mindless aggression. they'll never get it, the spiritual side of it. no. so i was up the beach. i saw it going down. you didn't hesitate. they never backed you up an inch. that's rare in this world. de nada. come with tyler. she knows. only make bets i can't afford to lose. only way to be 100% committed. no, bells beach, australia. i made that one mistake you pray you'll never make-- not tragic to die doing what you love. you want the ultimate thrill, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price. johnny has his own demons, don't you, johnny? feel it? gentlemen, it's time. let's go, utah. time for a little stealth mission. yeah, but are you crazy enough? football's a man-made game. you keep score with numbers. but in this, there's no field, no rules, no opponent. just you and the wave. i've watched you once or twice. you surf like it's some kind of street fight. you jerk along from moment to moment, fighting everything that comes at you. always trying to win. the only way to win out here is to surrender. you have to feel what the wave is doing, accept its energy, get in sync. just feel it all moving in the blackness. you don't need to see. this one's got your name on it, johnny. let's go. c'mon brah, there's a righteous swell. let's go! let's go! howdy brah. c'mon, get your gear on, we're rollin'. here. hey, what happened? ya cut yourself shaving? naw, this is different, johnny. this is something totally different. you're gonna love this. c'mon, let's go, let's go. time's wastin', brah. life's sure got a sick sense of humor, don't you think so johnny? news, last night. those guys, the ex-presidents. they robbed my bank yesterday. and i was just there the day before, cashing a check. see. look. assured trust. same place. i was picking up some bucks cause we're leaving town. bizarre, huh? if i'd waited a day i'd been right in the middle of it. kinda sorry i missed it. i'd liked to've seen them. banks are insured, brah. long as nobody gets shot, it's really a victimless crime. just gotta scare 'em a little, would be my guess. now if i was gonna rob a bank, with all those guys wearin' body armor these days, know what i'd carry? 454 casull. most powerful handgun on the planet. muzzle velocity of 2000 feet per second. twice the kinetic energy of a .44 magnum. 'one shot stopping'. good, very good. i like you, johnny. i like you because you'll sacrifice anything to win. i respect that. it elevates you a little above the drones who have learned compromise. here, hold it. check out the weight. whoa. careful. you got the muzzle pointing right at me, brah. it's a special day, johnny u. a very special day. ever done this before? pure adrenalin, right?! the ultimate rush. other guys snort for it, jab a vein for it -- all you gotta do is jump. yeah, i noticed you limping. but don't worry about it, brah. don't worry at all. we're not gonna land on land! it's a little ceremony we always have at the end of summer. one last speedstar. i did. what's the matter? don't trust me? then we'll earn it together. here, take mine. my man! utah, you copy bruddah? i'll take that as a yes. ten thousand feet. let's do it. come on johnny. get in here! relax, brah. i got you, i got you. you diggin' this? purty-thirty and we're meat waffles, folks. see ya downtown! you gonna pull? don't screw around man, pull it! one thousand feet. pull the goddamn cord! okay! ya see. i told you johnny u was gonna be just fine! c'mere. there's something you need to see. insurance policy. now this is going to sting a bit, but it's for your own growth, brah. press play. she's a wild one, isn't she. special agent utah? whoa, whoa!! think it through! i'm the only one knows where they are. just let me talk for a second. she'll be fine, rosie won't do anything. at least not as long as i meet him at a certain place and time, about. let's see. . six hours from now. sorry, can't do it, brah. he's on the road. and where they're going there's no phones. damn, i hate this johnny, i really do. i hate violence. see, that's why i need rosie. i could never make this thing work, myself. no way i could hold a knife to tyler's throat, man! she was my woman, once. we shared time in this world. but rosie, he's kind of a. mechanism. once you set him in motion, he won't stop. that's his gift, a kind of. blankness. noon comes, straight up, he'll gut her like a pig and try not to get any on his shoes. nothing i can do, unless i get there. so that makes us partners, doesn't it? because now we both have the same goal. to get me where i need to go. right? see! that's what i like about you, man! you're just sharp as a razor blade. get the plane down to santa monica and top up the tanks. let's go. let's saddle up! okay. all i'm askin' for is ninety seconds of your life, johnny. that's all. it's basic dog psychology, brah. if you scare them, get them pissing down their leg, they submit. you control them. if you project weakness, you draw aggression. that's how people get hurt. fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true. you project strength to avoid conflict. here, you need this. you can't be comin' through that door with your dick in your hands, right? sure you can! you may even like it. it's a killer rush. you'll see. hey, don't i show you things, johnny u? wild, ain't it?! see, we exist on a higher plane, you and i. we make our own rules. why be a servant of the law johnny u. when you can be it's master? ninety seconds, man, door to door. a small price to pay for someone who loves you. she does you know. it's not her style to fall so hard. i don't think she did with me. sorry, johnny. guess you don't get to be president. rock and roll! everybody freeze!! don't move!! don't anybody fucking move! goodbye, johnny. but you're not alone. around somewhere. listen, i'm in kind of a hurry, johnny u. what can i do for you? and let my policy expire? sorry. i say when it's over! back in the hotseat, campadre. now! thanks for telling the nice fbi agent where we're going. we're gonna ride this out, all the way, johnny. you and me. let's go. yeah, get some height. take her up to eight thousand on this heading. doesn't matter now. we're almost there, man. here, let me help you get your gear on. you're gonna be fine. just fine. johnny, toss me that money bag will you. easy does it. hey, johnny's just trying to psych you man, forget it. just keep thinking about all those senoritas nursin' you back to health. come on, amigo, let's get you set for the jump. rosie, rosie, this is air force one, do you copy, over? why should i? rosie, listen carefully. surgery is canceled, is that clear? repeat it back to me. i know it's hard for you johnny. you want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth. but not his time. let's go. you lose, campadre. pretty radical, johnny. even for you. why don't you pull it? naw, you pull it! go on, johnny. pull it. but you gotta drop the gun, first! right?! you use your other hand what you gonna hold on with? well that's the only way it's gonna happen, man. do it! come on, you want to do it. you're gonna die, johnny. five more seconds. four. three seconds. two. one. wild ride, huh? that pesky knee, huh? too bad. you had me worried there, for a second, johnny u. and i always knew i could count on you, agent utah. you never were. it went bad, brah. real bad. i just felt it was time. time to dance with the universe. i could never handle a jail cell. you'll do this for me, won't you johnny? haven't i earned this much? thanks, brah.