you know less than nothing. if you even knew that you knew nothing, at least that would be something, but you don't. eating solid breakfasts, utah? all the food groups? avoiding sugar? caffeine? i see to it that my people maintain cardiovascular fitness. we stay off hard liquor, cigarettes. this is us. bank robbery. and you're in the bank-robbery capital of the world-- that's right. and we nailed over a thousand of them. we did it by crunching data. good crime-scene work, good lab work, good data-base analysis. nobody had to tackle a car once. you getting the signal, special agent? you're a real blue-flame special, aren't you, utah? i don't know why they sent you to la. must be an asshole shortage. they found the drop car up on mulholland. i want you two to go work it. cole and munoz. i'm uh. letting them run with the ball for a while. that's the point, isn't it? supervising special agent, harp. now i want you to go work the drop car, okay, angelo? okay? how was the beach? surf conditions okay? a little mushy! you think the taxpayers would like it, utah, if they knew they were paying a federal agent to surf and pick up girls? what? where is pappas? special agent utah, this is not some job flippin' burgers at the drive-in. yes, the surfboard bothers me. yes, your approach to this case bothers me. and yes, you bother me. you two have produced squat in the last two weeks, during which time the ex- presidents have robbed two more banks!! do you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me? this is agent dietz, dea. he's got a record of your suspect's movements every day for the last three months. not an easy thing to do, is it, utah? don't take those off. just leave them on! your partner's an accessory to murder. you realize that? three men dead. one of them a cop. how's that sit in your gut, utah? yeah, sure. why not? you two screw-ups deserve each other. that's why i put you together in the first place. christ pappas, you're as bad as he is. talk about the blind leading the blind-- what that?