the dolls love this baby. it brings them luck when they rub it -- right between their buttons. just read the goddamn number. screw you and this holistic fitness crap! at least my arms don't flap in the wind. i've been in the field 33 years, fired my piece 23 times in the line of duty, and i got no idea what a blind man fetching bricks has gotta do with being a special agent! added to which indignity, i got three months left to retirement and they saddle me with some blue-flamer fresh out of quantico for a partner. some quarterback punk, johnny unitas or something. pappas. angelo pappas. welcome to sea world, kid. twenty-seven banks in three years. in and out in 90 seconds. nobody ever gets shot. we're talking solid professionals. yeah, they control the room well. stick strictly to the cash drawers. never go for the vault. they never get greedy. reagan usually drives. stolen switch car, they leave it running at the curb, looks parked from a distance. when they run, they dump the vehicle and vanish. and i mean vanish. the ex-presidents are the best i've seen, kid. just take the tape, cole. what? now i'm working the drop car? who's handling the scene here? cole and munoz? i been on this case for two years. yeah, i get it. time to play let's dick the old guys, huh, harp? sure. no problem. how about your office? your office need vacuuming? we could do that too. excuse me. cute huh? they love to fuck with us. don't tell me, let me guess. the switch-car was stolen this morning. they vacuumed and 409'd the interior, did the windows, emptied the ashtrays. you through, mr. wizard? let me know if you find jimmy hoffa under the seat while you're at it. hell, it's only 7:30. the night's still young. you can solve this case and start on another one. forget about it, kid. they're ghosts. let the goddamn yuppie mormon affirmative action assholes handle it. see i'm almost 55. so i must be senile, right? they better get me out before i start pissing myself in public. drooling. it would look bad for the bureau, right? you watch your fucking mouth! mr. hoover himself pinned the seal of honor right here! yeah. that was thirty years ago anyway. l.a.'s changed a lot since then. the air got dirty and the sex got clean. so you want to nail the ex- presidents? be a big hero? the fucking punks are surfers. i'm tellin' ya, kid, it's in our face. lookit the tan on this guy. shutup, you might learn somethin' you're not careful. so last year nixon scuffs a counter going over. there was a soil sample. non- specific mud traces of asphalt, oils, blah, blah. sand and. carnuba wax. so i became a wax expert. there's 80 some uses for this stuff, something like five hundred products. the lab made three possible matches, this was one of 'em. surfers use it on their boards. they rub sand into it for traction. now lookit the dates on the robberies. this is strictly a summer job for these guys. another month and we don't see 'em again 'til next summer. the ex-presidents rip off banks to finance their endless summer! "best for your stick", huh? this might not be enough. i better get two. johnny, it's the only way. look. look at them out there. they're like some kind of tribe. got their own language. you can't just walk up to these guys. you've got to get out there. learn some moves. get into their head. pick up the speech. it's all balance, right? and coordination. how hard can it be? i think you gotta hit them straight on! kid, maybe this ain't your sport. this is your surfer contact? female. blond hair. green eyes. 5'6". 119 lbs? this is great. she ties some guy up. nude. leaves the scene and fails to return for 24 hours. no convection. what, you couldn't have just left the thing in your car? johnny, all i can say is we better come up with something real soon. yeah, yeah, i remember, last year. guy got his jaw broken for it. hell, what're we waiting for, let's go pick the guy up. guy's the toxic avenger. no. but let's do it, anyway. it's gonna bug the shit out of harp. when you two are done makin' out, i need to talk to you. i just want to know if you surf here a lot. not exactly, dudes. he moved. surf's up, ace. patience hotshot. patience. it'll be subtle, if it's here at all. johnny? you there? uh, you guys seen a kid, maybe 10, 12, running with a car stereo? stole the fucking cd too, you believe it? thanks, buddy. ten seconds you're out of sight. unbelievable. look, if you're gonna go leavin' your piece and your shield in the car, you can damn well stay in sight. okay? remember, all bank robbers are losers, but not all losers are bank robbers. cold pizza? it's great for breakfast. he's pushing it through first thing. you better get some sleep tonight, it could be an interesting morning. did that worthless punk partner of mine ever show up? good of you to join us, hotshot. watch it. i told you, not on the hairs, goddammit. cole and munoz are going in the back door. babbit is backing me. so i want you at the side window by the hedge. you're strictly backup, got it? awright. get into position. i'm rolling. here scooby! where are you boy? here scooby!! you furball piece of shit. have you seen a little dog? kind of a cockapoo lookin' thing. about this big. and the guy next door said he saw it go into your backyard. my wife'll kill me if i lose the little bastard. me, i could care less. whole house smells from it's liftin' its leg all the time. you sure he isn't out back? you mind if i go take a look? well is there anyone else here that might have seen him? fbi, gorgeous. now let's take a look around-- speak into the microphone. it's always been lasers and paper targets until today, right? no difference, utah. just a little more to clean up. it's alright. you did good today. oh shit. nice tattoo, dietz. forget about it, kid, they're ghosts. hey, babe. get on over here so the big dog can teach ya how to bark. johnny! uh, you, uh. should call first, you know? hey, where the hell were you all day? you gotta at least call in or something. you okay? listen, uh. if you're okay, can it wait till tomorrow morning, kid, this zen master surfer. did he rob it? last time you got a feeling i had to kill a man, which i always hate because it looks bad on the report. alright, look. banks are closed. nothing's gonna go down tonight, right? so we'll be on these guys like white on rice. first thing tomorrow morning. okay? tomorrow. okay? they're on their way to maui. jesus christ, kid! the banks don't open 'till nine. sure. no problem. i'll just call up and tell him his favorite agent saw this one surfer moon another surfer yesterday and it looked real suspicious. shit, he'll probably call out the national guard. look, we handle it ourselves, for right now, okay? we cover the bank, whatever. you and me. that way if nothing happens, or more accurately, when nothing happens. i don't get my tits any further into the wringer than they already are. time for lunch. that place up the street has meatball sandwiches. get me two. damn, i could eat the ass out of an elephant. i shoulda had you get me three a these. what t-bird? jesus christ!! it's them! come on, kid, get in the car! jesus! they took a left at the next light! you even watching the road? nice fuckin' work, hotshot. christ! nothing? go home, kid. get the hell outta here. get some sleep. you look like shit. they get anything even resembles your guy, i'm on your beeper. here. you like feta? johnny. all i wanna know is one thing, why didn't you just take the shot? he knows his goddamn rights! jesus, kid. i knew you were getting too close to these guys. gimme the goddamn key to these things, cole. christ! look, harp. don't turn him over to the uniforms like some punk. let me ride him in. harp, let me tell you something. i was an agent in this bureau when your mommy was still wiping your shinny pink ass, and you know one thing i learned in all those years that you still haven't? respect your elders. let's go kid. figured you did. kid, get outta the way!! goddammit!!