brah! the fuck you doin' man?! you fuckin' crazy? johnny fuckin' utah! fuckin'-a! yeah, i remember that game, man. you were on-fire. they could not stop your ass. you lose it right then, you're history. the fish'll be pickin' you outta the coral. see, it's all dynamic, it's all in motion. you can't just stop and walk on in to the beach if you don't like the way things are going, y' know what i mean? you gotta ride it out man, all the way. the set was northwest. jacking up like a fucking mountain of gray glass-- gaping barrels! way overhead, man! hey. you don't want bodhi's, man. his pack-jobs suck. they only open half the time. take grommet's, man. whip it out dudes! cheap sex with the cosmos! peace through superior firepower, babe. we gotta bug out, man! we're eatin' it bad on this one. let's go! get in the fucking plane. we're gonna pop up on their screens. i'm cold.