halt. fbi! yes sir. sir? i did stop the perpetrators. anywhere. i've just never seen the ocean before. yes, sir. sir? i take the skin off chicken. 1322 last year in la county. up 26 percent from the year before. zero distortion, sir. i love these things. not so far. the shit they pull, huh? punk. quarterback punk. good move. they don't go for the vault? smart. you burn time in the vault. surgical. look at them separate the dye packs. dick and ronny know their jobs. what's he talking about, angelo? could've taken their gloves off before setting that card. laser it for prints. maybe held it to his teeth -- check the edges for saliva. today was a scorcher. this chevy doesn't have air conditioning. well, what're your ideas on these guys? so you're gonna coast to retirement, when you could nail these guys and go out with come dignity. sorry. yeah. what's your theory? oh well he must be a surfer. candle wax. car wax. mustache wax? could be anything. guy's waxing his mustache at the beach. gets sand in it. wipes it off with a shoe. shoe scuffs the counter. sex wax? you're not into kinky shit, are you angelo? thanks for the tip. i needed this knowledge. four months. june to october. mmmm. same the year before. they're traveling the rest of the year on the money, going where the waves are. i think he needs a vacation. i don't. i'm twenty-five. why can't i just walk around with this thing under my arm and act stoned? ask a few questions. angelo, this stuff is for little rubber people who don't shave yet. got it. goddamn son-of-a-- fuck it. well, i saw you and-- hey! uh, how do i get back in? my name's johnny utah! i'm telling you so when you look back on this moment, you can think. there was this guy named utah and he was pretty much a dork but maybe not such a bad person and i let him drown in conditions he had no business being in whatsoever. when i could have easily helped him. bye. tyler ann endicott. born 11-27-64. exhibition of speed. indecent exposure inside moving vehicle. felony arrest! "see adjoining file". kidnapping?! what else they got on her? i still haven't found anything i can really use. i gotta find an approach, a way in -- here we go. both parents deceased. plane crash. san diego, '84. mmmm. yeah, definitely. shrimp and fries. i need you to teach me. i'm serious. well, i'm just gonna go back out there till i catch on to it or break my neck. no, no. see, all my life i've done things for other people. in high school i played football because my old man expected me to. then my parents always figured i'd go to law school, so i did. football scholarship. graduated phi beta kappa-- wait, so i'm a big hero to my folks, right? but two years ago they got killed in a car wreck and i just suddenly realized all my goals had been their goals. and i hadn't been living my own life. so i wanted something for myself. something that maybe didn't make any sense. you know what i mean? i came out here from ohio a month ago. never saw the ocean before. i didn't think it would effect me so much. like i'm drawn to it, or something. i want to do what you do. it's the truth. keep the change, teach. sure. who's that? yeah, my knee got folded about 90 degrees the wrong way. two years of surgery. i missed my window. limped through law school instead. not yet. fine. a little mushy. babes. the correct term is babes, sir. uh, this type of undercover operation is entirely dependent on picking up the idiom of the speech. otherwise penetration is not possible, sir. of the social infrastructure, i mean. caught my first tube this morning. it sticks out, so i can't lock it. look, angelo, you think i joined the fbi to learn to surf? this was your lame-o idea in the first place. you gotta back me up on this. angelo, pay attention. there's gonna be a test afterward. lab is showing traces of toxins. pcbs. heavy elements. selenium, titanium and arsenic. the beaches are always being closed because of waste spills, right? and surfers are territorial. they stick mostly to certain breaks. if we can get some hair samples, and get a match to a certain beach, we'd know which break the ex-presidents surf. you buyin' this? whoa, brah, easy now. don't move! got some huge sucker crawling into your-- got it! uuuughhh. saved your butt, bro. close one. latigo beach. big zippo so far. how about you? okay, so this is where you tell me all about how locals rule and yuppie insects like me shouldn't be surfing your break and all that, right? oh. what's your name? well, listen, bunker. i'm actually kinda glad you found me. no, but there are four guys back there you might check out. friends of yours, huh? what's their program? you always talk like this? you're not gonna start chanting or anything are you? thanks for stepping in. gonna be some people at my house tonight. maybe you can make it. where? you're losin' them. that's right. two-denver-four-sam- niner-five-niner. late seventies jeep. okay, dad. the jeep is registered to a bradley wiess. my buddy. guy's got quite a sheet. yeah, yeah. skip all that. gimme the greatest hits. misdemeanor possession of cocaine. that's good. felony b and e, three months in juvey. better. felony assault. postgraduate work at chino. excellent. i'm lovin' it. what about the brother? great! another model citizen. these guys really fit the profile. these are the guys. i can feel it. i say we lay it on harp. see you bright and early, guys. when did harp say they'd have the warrant? nice place. don't you gamble? who's the girl? oh, oh. that sounds personal. meaning you were expendable. sure, he's "the bodhisattva". all she does is beat the shit out of me. so what's the biggest? waimea? uh. i need another beer. what are you talking about? what's goin' on? i can barely do this in broad daylight. i gotta be fucking crazy. i know that part. tell me something i can use, here. a flaw i'm working on. yeah, right, vision is highly over- rated. shit, i'm gonna die. i'm gonna die now. yeah. i just want to sit out here for a minute. what? i. i don't know. i can't describe what i'm feeling. goosebumps. come here. warm them up. holy shit. you guys need any help? right here, partner. i'm ready to rock, angelo. where you want me? got it. babbit. get angelo out of there. they're pulling out a fucking arsenal! babbit, you copy? cole? don't let him pull his badge! fbi!! drop it! what the hell's your problem? aw shit. i am a different person, tyler. i. i gotta go. no. i'm sorry. i have to go. i'll, uh. i'll call you later. i'm sorry. woof, woof. angelo, we gotta talk. so i started tailing him. bodhi, yeah. i'm on him all day, right. he goes here, he goes there, he goes to tower records and buys come cds, he has lunch at patrick's road house. . he goes into the assured trust savings and loan. cute. he was inside for about 20 minutes. the other guy, roach, waited in the truck. they were scoping it out, right?! yeah, or cashing a check. wait, wait. then these guys go back to their beach house and box up all their shit. load it in bodhi's truck and take it to a public storage unit. you see? summer's almost over. they're splitting. they're gonna pick up a little traveling money tomorrow. the next day at the outside latest. i got a feeling. angelo. i'm right this time. we can still win this one. woof, woof. they're gone. son of a bitch. we missed them. no way. not yet. come on. i say we call it in. get some backup. but you gotta do it. harp won't listen to me. i say we don't call it in. under no circumstance are we to call this in. angelo, it's eleven thirty. here, yours is the one that looks like a road kill. enjoy. here's your lemonade. did you see that t-bird pull up? fbi!! freeze!! right now! the hell are they?! you sure?! i got 'em. i see 'em. i'm on it, i'm on it. not now. not now! nothing. feta. my favorite. i don't know. ouch. you're kneeling on my hand. never saw him, was your basic hit and run. i'm glad you pulled me out of the water that day. tyler, put the gun down. no. they live in columbus ohio. i work bank robbery. guys i'm after are surfers. i needed you, at first, but not-- tyler! wait!! tyler i. look, i fucked up, okay. i know i fucked up. i wanted to tell you, but i couldn't -- i was afraid you'd leave. good guess, huh? fuck, why can't i ever say what i really mean? i lied to you. i'm an asshole. but i need you, tyler. i want you to know that i've never known anyone like you before in my life. and i. i hope you change your mind. tyler! wait, i-- what going on, bodhi? i don't think i wanna surf right now. how you figure? takes guts to rob a bank. all that adrenalin pumping, waving loaded guns, taking out the guards, getting everybody on the floor, never knowin' who's gonna burst in. . wondering what it's like to take a bullet. must be some ride. one shot stopping. nice. once. sure, it's a blast, but listen, i sorta screwed up my knee yesterday-- oh, well, that's fine then. i feel so much better. so, who. uh, who packed my chute? you gotta earn trust. we gonna jump or jerk off? whoooaaah! shhiiittt! whoooaaah! great! great! after you, alfonse. i insist! you do it. you first! you first! jesus christ. i gotta be losin' it. what's this? you're a fucking dead man-- talk. you call him. right now. and tell him to let her go. we're wasting time. i can't do this. bodhi, this is your wake up call, man -- i. am. an. eff. bee. eye. agent!! on the floor, asshole! what's your problem?! i blow your fucking kneecaps out, you'll be on the floor!! can we just get the goddamn money and get out of here?! you're blowing it, man! you're breaking your own rules. pulling too much time! federal agent! undercover! take your hand off my shoulder right now. i know where they're going. only problem is. we can't arrest them or shoot them. i'm not armed. good guess. there's a gun on you right now. where's roach? you gotta tell me where she is. look, bodhi man. people are dead. the ride is over. the guy you killed was an off duty cop! if you get out of here they'll nail you wherever you land. they have a new thing called radar. maybe you've heard of it. i know you man, when they fall on you, you won't back down. they'll have to burn your ass to the ground. and i can't stop them. i'm the last person they're ready to listen to right now. thanks to you. shit may or may not happen. look, you got a death wish, you want to ride to glory. fine! but don't take her with you, man. i'm begging you. tell me where she is. then i walk away. we've earned that much trust, haven't we? angelo! don't fire! nooo!! nnnoooooo!!! you're cold because all the blood is running out of your body, roach. you're going to be dead soon. i hope it was worth it. tell him to release tyler. what if your chute fails, bodhi? rescind the order. let her off the hook, she's served her purpose. do it, man, you owe me that much. let me hear it before you check out. fuck it!!! pull the parachute!! no games, bodhi. pull the cord! now!! pull it right now or i'll blow your fucking head off and pull it myself! you fucking crazy!? pull it!! shit!! jesus christ, bodhi! storm's already here. it's bringing me the swell. no. but he's here. no problem. just give me a couple minutes with him first. i knew you wouldn't miss the fifty year storm, bodhi. i'm not fbi anymore. i asked them to give me a couple minutes. he rode it all the way.