would you like to dance? all you got to do is hold on. how tall are you? are you smart? just wondering. did you ever have the bad mumps? have you ever had herpes or syphilis or anything like that? so as far as you know, you have good semen? i don't mean to be nosy. i'm only asking because i want you to make me pregnant. this is my husband. michael. we've been trying to have a baby for three years. we can't on account of michael had the bad mumps when he was twelve. so we need a body father. we could ask a man here, but it could cause trouble. i've seen it happen. things go okay until the woman starts to show. then it can be bad. but you'll only be around once in awhile with the mail. he hasn't said 'no'. you'll be leaving tomorrow? everybody's up late writing letters for you to take. we're not supposed to waste candles like that, but they're so excited. i don't have anybody to write to. you're funny. hardly anyone's funny around here. have you decided yet? i don't want to. it would be easier for me if you closed your eyes. what are you looking at? another woman has pointed out to her what's going on. she can't hear what's being said, but she watches, concerned. michael! watches from the flap of bethlehem's tent. the guard sees and shoves her back inside. we can't stop now. they'll be coming after us. don't move. you're right. they killed michael. how sorry are you? you got the mark of eight on you. you're a liar. i should've let you die. anything else? your legs are going to rot off if you don't try to walk. you're lazy. this is the last of it. i'm going to check the pass. help! i told you that's all there was. i knew you could walk. so? what good is that now? look, there's something you'd better know. you're going to find out soon enough. i'm pregnant. it's michael's baby. you're just the body father. he tried with me almost every night. he couldn't do it. so he beat me. said it was my fault. the pass is clear. it's time to go. of course. i set the fire. you didn't think we'd stay here forever, did you? i'd appreciate if you'd walk with me long enough to find someplace safe for the baby. then we can split up. you shaved. it looks nice. i've heard people talk. i've heard lots of names. bliss. hesperia. new eden. sheriff briscoe says it's a fantasy. but you're the postman. what are you? no, tell us. yes? i'm on the other side of town. ford's idea. you're exhausted. you need rest. there's food in the trailer -- you can't keep doing this. riding all the routes. you're not saving anyone. ford thinks you're going to do something. ford doesn't know what it means to be a kid. he doesn't have your memories. none of them do. all they've got is the lousy world we gave them. and this is the only decent thing in it. i knew it was something like that. i remember. yes. where do you think he came from? i'm hungry, postman. you never heard of a postman? there used to be a postman for every street in america. they wore uniforms. and hats. like this one. my postman knew the name of every kid on my street. he knew our birthdays. he'd even find the baseballs you'd hit down the street. i can still see the smile on his face. the tip of his cap -- when he had a letter in his bag with my name on it. mine always came just after school. you could set your watch by him. unless you were waiting on something special -- like a present from somewhere far away or a letter from your sweetheart. then it seemed like he'd never come. i used to think they could make time stand still. i don't think we ever really understood what they meant to us until they were gone. getting a letter made you feel like you were part of something bigger than yourself. no place was ever too far away for the postman. so nobody ever had to be alone. the postman was someone you could count on. things just made more sense when they were around. that's the kind of world we used to have. a world a lot of us took for granted. and now we've got this one. and it makes me wonder -- what kind of world do i want my child to live in? i want my child to live in a world where hopes and dreams aren't just lies you tell yourself to get through another day. i want my child, and i want my friends -- i want all of us to live in a world where you still get your mail. this is hard for me. michael was the best man i ever knew. i never thought there'd be another man i could love the way i loved him. i don't know why i've been so blessed. and i've tried to find a way to be thankful, but i swear, if i lose you. i don't know, but i believe in you. you have a gift, postman. i saw it back in pine view. you made mrs. march feel like she could see again. you made ford feel like he was part of the world. you give out hope like it was candy in your pocket. when you come back, we'll be waiting here for you. so you can take us to st. rose. your daddy wrote to tell you that he'll be here as soon as he can. and that he loves you very much. your daughter. her name is hope.