i'm sheriff briscoe. who the hell are you? what does that mean in english? hand me your gun. you got three seconds to get your ass outta here. one! never heard of him. two! three! johnny, why don't you run along. i need to speak to this man. johnny's real impressed with you. whole town's real impressed with you. smarter than you look. you can clear out. or i can throw you out. either way suits me fine. you're not authorized by shit. you're nothing but a drifter who found a bag of mail. and i want you out of my town. these people don't need dreams, mr. postman. they need something real. they need help with the goddamn holnists. are you going to bring them that? didn't think so. all you cost us so far is a few bowls of soup and maybe later a few broken hearts. i aim to keep it that way. you can stay till morning. then i don't ever want to see you again. i'm your escort out of town. you got a helluva nerve, whoever you are. she and michael are working the north meadow this morning. well, you're on your own. hey! are you really who you say you are? god damn it! holnists, johnny. you gotta stay out of sight. you stay out of this, or i'll lock you up myself damnit. general bethlehem. we're gathering the tribute, sir. can i take your wagons? you didn't have to -- aw, michael. man came through here. with mail. said he was a postman. said the government had been restored back east. east. take that thing off, johnny. you want to die, too? don't be a damn fool. phil, this better not be another of your u.f.o.'s. i'll be damned. i'd have shot you myself. things are getting better. getting better all the time. i don't know who you are, but i do know i was wrong about you. it's from my sister. i thought she was dead. ride, postman! ride! you hear me? i said ride!