all men between 15 and 50 and of suitable ethnic foundation are required to show themselves now. sir? you were required to show yourself. take the mule. let's move it. everybody up and at 'em. all right, girls. we're gonna run. twenty miles. with packs. you got three hours. everybody makes it. or nobody eats. eat up! you got meat tonight. why don't you tell shakespeare what kind of meat that is. a godawful animal. the sterile offspring of a horse and a donkey. can you imagine that?! there's no room in this new world for a bastard like that. uh uh. any man last in line ain't hungry enough. you show up last, you don't eat! you thinking of challenging for leadership of the clan? you see colonel getty? always following the general? he's the only man who ever challenged. fight lasted six seconds, but the general didn't kill him. he cut off his tongue and he cut off his balls and old getty's been following him like a dog ever since. the general don't see it, but i say you got some nigger in you. the general would like a word with you, shakespeare. and the book, sir? one of you dogs has earned himself a treat. over there. those men hunted themselves a lion this morning. must've been a zoo around here before the war. anyhow, they shot him and he crawled into that thicket. a third man went in after him. we don't know if he's dead or alive. i need a volunteer. someone's gotta go in and get our boy out. i guess size ain't a measure of courage, is it? shakespeare! maybe you'll find your st. rose up there. what are you waiting for, christmas? hurry up! you still got a lion to bag! good, boy. get him. finish it. tracking. he sees a dribble of fresh blood. he touches it with his fingers and smiles. you want your st. rose?